Bibliography and Citations

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Braun D, Kitto G.B, Braun M.J.  1984.  Molecular population genetics of tufted and black-crested forms of PARUS BICOLOR.  Auk.  101(1):170-173.  Available from
Braun JK, T. Eaton, Jr. S, Mares MA.  2011.  Marmota caligata (Rodentia: Sciuridae).  Mammalian Species.  43(884):155-171.  Available from
Bridgham S.D, Pastor J., Janssens J.A, Chapin C., Malterer T.J.  Submitted.  Multiple limiting gradients in Peatlands: A call for a new paradigm.  Wetlands.  16(1):45-65.
Brigham Young University, Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum.  2010.  Mammal specimen data - Idaho Specimens.  
Brixen A.  1988.  Map of the McKinzie Creek quadrangle, showing Calochortus nitidus population sites and rating of density (H,M,L), Nez Perce National Forest land.  
Brixen A.  1988.  Map of the Dairy Mountain quadrangle, showing Calochortus nitidus population sites and rating of density (H,M,L), Nez Perce National Forest land.  
Brixen A..  1988.  Map of the Harpster quadrangle, showing Calochortus nitidus population sites and rating of density (H,M,L), Nez Perce National Forest land.  
Brixen A.  1988.  Map of the Goodwin Meadows quadrangle, showing Calochortus nitidus population sites and rating of density (H,M,L), Nez Perce National Forest land.  
Brixen A.  1988.  Map of the White Bird Hill quadrangle, showing Calochortus nitidus population sites and rating of density (H,M,L), Nez Perce National Forest land.  
Brown J.L, Fox A.C.  1966.  Mosquito fish (GAMBUSIA AFFINIS) in a Montana pond.  Copeia.  1966:614-616.
Brown J.L, Parker W.S..  1976.  Movement ecology of Coluber constrictor near communal hibernacula.  Copeia.  1976:225-242.
Brunsfeld SJ, Sullivan J.  2005.  A multi-compartmented glacial refugium in the northern Rocky Mountains: Evidence from the phylogeography of Cardamine constancei (Brassicaceae).  Conservation Genetics.  6(6):895-904.  Available from
Buell M.F, Buell H.F.  1975.  Moat bogs in the Itasca Park area, Minnesota.  
Bureau of Land Management.  1989.  Map excerpt for 1989 clearance survey near Bray Lake, Idaho.  
Bureau of Land Management.  1988.  Map of Allium aaseae occurrences in SW Idaho.  
Bureau of Land Management.  1992.  Memorandum summarizing the Boise District RNA/ACEC tour which took place September 21-24, 1992.  
Bureau of Land Management, Boise District Office.  1990.  Memorandum to Bruneau Area Manager.  
Bureau of Land Management, Coeur d'Alene District.  1981.  Macfarlane's four-o'clock Long Gulch Habitat Management Plan [ID-6WHA-T8-Salmon River].  
Bureau of Land Management, Idaho Falls District.  1994.  Map of the distribution of St. Anthony evening primrose.  
Bureau of Reclamation.  Submitted.  Memorandum of agreement between Bureau of Reclamation, Pacific Northwest Region, Snake River Area Office and Idaho Department of Fish and Game.  
Burgan R.E, Hartford R.A.  1993.  Monitoring vegetation greenness with satellite data.  
Burke TE.  1999.  Management recommendations for terrestrial mollusk species: Prophysaon coeruleum, blue-gray taildropper & Prophysaon dubium, papillose taildropper. V.2.0.    Available from
Burkhalter W.D.  2003.  Memorandum to Dave Allen concerning the transfer of authority for the management of rare and endangered plants from the Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation to the Idaho Department of Fish and Game. 3 pp., plus appendices.  
Burns R.M.  1989.  Memo regarding approval of a boundary revision for the Lochsa RNA.  
Busing R.T, Spies T.A.  1995.  Modeling the population dynamics of Pacific yew.