Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1996.  Memo to Tim Lowry, Owyhee County Courthouse, and accompanied by hand-written field notes taken during a 2-day field survey by USFWS personnel for spotted frogs.  
Knick S.  1996.  Microsoft Excel datasets, digital and hardcopy. Also includes DBF and shapefiles showing point counts and nesting sights for Brewer's Sparrow, Sage Sparrow, Sage Thrasher, Black-throated Sparrow, and Long-billed Curlew in southern Ada County and portions.  
Cazier L.D, Myers R.  1996.  Middle Snake River aquatic macroinvertebrate and ESA snail survey (with supplemental analyses).  
Luikart G., Allendorf F.W.  1996.  Mitochondrial-DNA variation and genetic population structure in Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep (OVIS CANADENSIS CANADENSIS).  Journal of Mammalogy.  77:109-123.
[Anonymous].  1996.  Mitochondrial-DNA variation and genetic-population strucutre in Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis canadensis).  Journal of Mammalogy.  77(1):109-123.
Hobbs N.T.  1996.  Modification of ecosystems by ungulates.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  60(4):695-713.
Varricchione J.T, Minshall G.W.  1996.  Monitoring report: Bruneau hot-spring springsnail (Pyrgulopsis bruneauensis).  
Powell JA, Opler PA.  1996.  Moths of western North America. 4. Distribution of "Oecophoridae" (sense of Hodges 1983) of western North America. Contributions of the C. P. Gillette Insect Biodiversity Museum.  Fort Collins (CO): Colorado State University, Department of Entomology.    Available from
California Department of Fish and Game.  1996.  Mountain quail trapping and tagging study: selection of study sites and progress report.  
Center for Plant Conservation.  1996.  The national collection of endangered plants.  Plant Conservation.  10(2)
[Anonymous].  1996.  National Water Summary on Wetland Resources. Paper 2425.  
Evenden A.G, Kimball S.F.  1996.  Natural Areas Source Book.  
Barker R..  1996.  Nature group buys prized Owyhee ranch.  Idaho Statesman.  November:2pp.
Powers LR, Dale A, Gaede PA, Rodes C, Nelson L, Dean JJ, May JD.  1996.  Nesting and food habits of the flammulated owl (Otus flammeolus) in southcentral Idaho.  Journal of Raptor Research.  30(1):15-20.
Woods C.P, Cade T.J.  1996.  Nesting habits of the loggerhead shrike in sagebrush.  Condor.  98:75-81.
Squires J.R, Ruggiero L.F.  1996.  Nest-site preference of northern goshawks in southcentral Wyoming.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  60(1):170-177.
Dempster L.T.  1996.  A new subspecies of Lewisia (Portulacaceae) in California.  Madrono.  43(3):415-416.
New York Natural Heritage Program.  1996.  New York rare plant status list.  
Beals JW, Harris CE.  1996.  Northern Goshawk Surveys in the Twin Falls Ranger District of the Sawtooth National Forest.  
Terra-Berns M, Shepherd JF, Kuttner KM, Beals JW, Harris CE.  1996.  Northern goshawk surveys on BLM lands within the St. Joe Mountains of northern Idaho: progress report.  
Heidel B..  1996.  Noteworthy collections.  Madrono.  43(3):436-440.
[Anonymous].  1996.  Noxious weed list 1996 and noxious weed rules.  
Wiersema JH.  1996.  Nymphaea tetragona and Nymphaea leibergii (Nymphaeaceae): two species of diminutive water-lilies in North America.  Brittonia.  48(4):520-531.
Lewinsky-Haapasaari J..  1996.  Orthotrichum holmenii, a new corticlous species from Kazakhstan, with comments on Orthotrichum hallii in Asia.  Bryologist.  99:4-5.
Daly C.  1996.  Overview of the PRISM model.