Bibliography and Citations

Found 11964 results
McLaughlin S.P.  1989.  Natural floristic areas of the western United States.  Journal of Biogeography.  16:239-248.
McLaughlin S.P, Linker J.D.  1987.  Agronomic studies on gumweed: seed germination, planting density, planting dates, and biomass and resin production.  Field Crops Research.  15:357-367.
McLaughlin S.P, Montgomerie R.D.  1985.  Brood division by Lapland longspurs.  Auk.  102:687-695.
McLaughlin S.P.  1986.  Differentiation among populations of tetraploid Grindelia camporum.  American Journal of Botany.  73(12):1748-1754.
McLaughlin S.P.  1986.  Heritabilities of traits determining resin yield in gumweed.  Journal of Heredity.  77:368-370.
McLean D.D.  1930.  The quail of California.  
McLean BS, Cook JA.  2019.  Distribution and population connectivity of Merriam's ground squirrel (Urocitellus canus vigilis).  :27.
McLetchie D.N.  1999.  Dormancy/Nondormancy cycles in spores of the liverwort Sphaerocarpos texanus.  Bryologist.  102(1):15-21.
McLoughlin P.D, Cluff H.D, Messier F..  2002.  Denning ecology of barren-ground grizzly bears in the central arctic.  Journal of Mammalogy.  83:188-198.
McMahan L.R.  1988.  Plant Conservation Resourse Book.
McMahan L.R, Guerrant, Jr. E.O.  1995.  Ex-situ conservation.  
McMahon EE, Oakley CC, Cross SP.  1981.  First record of the spotted bat (Euderma maculatum) from Oregon.  Great Basin Naturalist.  41(2):270.  Available from
McMurray N.  1987.  Artemisia ludoviciana.  
McMurray N.  1986.  Symphoricarpos oreophilus.  
McMurray N.  1987.  Holodiscus dumosus.  
McMurray N.  1986.  Cercocarpus ledifolius.  
McMurray N.  1987.  Holodiscus discolor.  
McNally & Co..  1895.  Rand, McNally & Co.'s new 11 x 14 map of Idaho, copyright, 1895.  
McNeal D.W.  1993.  Taxonomy of Allium aaseae-Allium simillimum in Idaho.  
McNeal D.W.  1995.  Report on Allium.  
McNeal D.W.  1991.  Report on the genus Allium in the Ochoco and Malheur National Forests, Oregon, with keys to known and expected species and a key to Allium in eastern Oregon.  
McNeal D.  Submitted.  Professional background information.  McNeal, Dale. University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA..  
McNeal D.W.  1992.  [Letter to Paula Brooks, Botanist on the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest; confirming several Allium collection identifications, and summarizing the taxonomic information on part of the Allium tolmiei complex contained in the larger Allium study done for.  
McNeely JA, Miller KR, Reid W, Mittermeier R, Werner TB.  1990.  Conserving the world's biological diversity. Gland, Switzerland and Washington (DC): International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, World Resources Institute, Conservation International, World Wildlife Fund - US, and the World Bank.  
McNeill RP.  2014.  Lomatium swingerae: a new species of Lomatium (Umbelliferae) from the Joseph Plains, Idaho, U.S.A.  Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas.  8:395-401.