Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Nero R.W.  1988.  Denizen of the northern forests: one researcher's account of the great gray owl.  Birder's World.  2:20-25.
Smith N.S, Krausman P.R.  1988.  Desert bighorn sheep: a guide to selected management practices.  
Gough L.P, Jackson L.L, Sacklin. J.A.  1988.  Determining baseline element composition of lichens. II. Hypogymnia enteromorpha and Usnea spp. at Redwood National Park, California.  Water, Air, and Soil Pollution.  38:169-180.
Korpimäki E.  1988.  Diet of breeding Tengmalm's owls Aegolius funereus: long-term changes and year-to-year variation under cyclic food conditions.  Ornis Fennica.  65(1):21-30.  Available from
Steenhof K., Kochert M.N.  1988.  Dietary responses of three raptor species to changing prey densities in a natural environmen.  Journal of Animal Ecology.  57:37-48.
Rogers L.E, Woodley N.E, Sheldon J.K, Beedlow P.A.  1988.  Diets of darkling beetles (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) within a shrub-steppe ecosystem.  Annals of the Entomological Society of America.  81(5):782-791.  Available from
Perkins J.M, Cross S.P.  1988.  Differential use of some coniferous forest habitats by hoary and silver-haired bats in Oregon.  Murrelet.  69:21-24.
Sonerud G.A, Solheim R., Prestrud K..  1988.  Dispersal of Tengmalm's owl Aegolius funereus in relation to prey availability and nesting success.  Ornis Scandinavica.  19:175-181.
Vickery P.D.  1988.  Distribution and population status of harlequin ducks (Histrionicus histrionicus) wintering in eastern North America.  Wilson Bulletin.  100(1):119-126.
Thomas D.W.  1988.  The distribution of bats in different ages of Douglas-fir forests.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  52(4):619-626.
J. Perkins M.  1988.  Distribution of Plecotus townsendii and associated bat species in Baker, Grant, Malheur and Morrow counties of Oregon. Final Report.  
Groves C..  1988.  Distribution of the wolverine in Idaho as determined by mail questionnaire.  Northwest Science.  62(4):181-185.
Ross E.S.  1988.  Does Epipactis gigantea mimic aphids?
Hibben C.R.  1988.  Dogwood anthracnose in northeastern United States.  Plant Disease.  72(3):199-203.
Koehler D., Cannon W., Johnson P., LeVesque J..  1988.  Draft environmental analysis for Inside Desert allotment management plan and associated projects required by the Juniper Butte Range Withdrawal Act of 1998.  Interdepartment memos to Dave Neider regarding sharp-tailed grouse lek search findings.  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1988.  Draft management plan: Bruneau hot springsnail.  
Marshall DB.  1988.  Draft report: status of the Wolverine in Oregon.  
[Anonymous].  1988.  Ecological and behavioral methods for the study of bats.
Lesica P., Shelly S.J.  1988.  The ecology of Arabis fecunda: long-term monitoring, knapweed removal, and soil crust ecology studies.  
Pulliainen E..  1988.  Ecology, status and management of the Finnish wolverine Gulo gulo populations.  Lutra.  31:21-28.
Fernandez, Jr. P.J, Collins J.P.  1988.  Effect of environment and ontogeny on color pattern variation in Arizona tiger salamanders (AMBYSTOMA TIGRINUM NEBULOSUM Hallowell).  Copeia.  1998:928-938.
Korpimäki E.  1988.  Effects of age on breeding performance of Tengmalm's owl Aegolius funereus in western Finland.  Ornis Scandinavica.  19(1):21-26.
Peters R.L.  1988.  Effects of global warming on species and habitats: An overview.  Endangered Species Update.  5(7):1-8.
Korpimäki E.  1988.  Effects of territory quality on occupancy, breeding performance and breeding dispersal in Tengmalm's owl.  Journal of Animal Ecology.  57(1):97-108.
Hall S.P, Legrand, Jr. H.E.  1988.  Element stewardship abstract for Accipiter cooperii (Cooper's hawk).