Bibliography and Citations

Found 11964 results
Anonymous.  0.  Map copy showing the boundaries of the Purcell and Cabinet Proposed Grizzly Bear Recovery Habitats.  
Anonymous.  1964.  Department of Geology and Geological Engineering College of Mines and Earth Resources: Thesis index, 1964-1987.  
Anonymous.  0.  The Pliocene fauna of Hagerman, a study of alternatives.  
Anonymous.  1987.  The Snake River Canyon: Its geological beginings.  
Anonymous.  1992.  Help asked for bull trout.  High Country News.  30 November:4.
Anonymous.  1991.  Executive summary regarding Badger Creek.  
Anonymous.  0.  Birdlife in western junipers.  
Anonymous.  1991.  Draft Survey protocol for northern goshawk nests, December 5, 1991.  
Anonymous.  2002.  Chester diversion hydroelectric project, draft vegetation and wildlife habitat characterization and mapping and sensitive plants.  
Anonymous.  1993.  Regional notes: a northwestern tree in trouble.  American Horticulturist.  75(5):20.
Anonymous.  2009.  History on Lepidium papilliferum subEO 715.  
Anonymous.  0.  The Snake Plains aquifer, a study of alternatives.  
Anonymous.  1987.  Summary of reports given to the Interagency Bonneville cutthroat conference. March 25, 1987.  
Anonymous.  1991.  State will close two streams to fishing to save cutthroat.  Idaho Statesman.  21 November:4C.
Anonymous.  0.  History of predatory animal control in Idaho: selected excerpts.  
Anonymous.  2000.  Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative (ARMI): coordination meeting on sampling in the Pacific Northwest and adjacent areas. Report of findings.
Anonymous.  1987.  Status of the State Grass Program, unpublished list of official state grasses.  
Anonymous.  1992.  Bull trout could be next on endangered species list.  Idaho Statesman.  29 October
Anonymous.  1995.  Ute ladies'-tresses (Spiranthes diluvialis).  
Anonymous.  Submitted.  Plant species list for the Elk Valley marsh and surrounding area.  
Anonymous.  0.  Livestock print penetration: overview of methods and recommendations.  
Anonymous.  0.  References on collecting, marking and censusing herptilea.  
Anonymous.  1990.  Silba: supplement to Coniferae census, II: Abies grandis.  Phytologia.  68(1):19.
Anonymous.  2006.  Correspondence over penetrative trampling livestock trigger for EO71.  
Anonymous.  1998.  Memorandum of understanding concerning the conservation of springsnails in the Great Basin among U. S. Geological Survey, Bureau of Land Management, National Museum of Natural History, National Park Service, U. S. Forest Service, U. S. Fish and Wildlife S.