Bibliography and Citations

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Wright E..  1989.  Letter dated 25 April describing great gray owl sightings at Summit View Campground, NW of Georgetown, Idaho.  
Wright H.A, Bailey A.W.  1982.  Chapter 7: Sagebrush-Grass.
Wright KK, Bruner H, Li JL, Jarvis R, Dowlan S.  2000.  The distribution, phenology, and prey of harlequin ducks, Historionicus histrionicus, in a Cascade Mountain stream, Oregon.  Canadian Field-Naturalist.  114(2):187-195.  Available from
Wright D..  1992.  Thamnolia (Ascomycotina: Lichenes Imperfecti): First find for California and correction of published mapping of the Genus.  Bryologist.  95(4):458-460.
Wright G, Whiting J.  2013.  Hibernacula counts from Shoshone Field Office surveys, Twin Falls District BLM, Idaho, 1988–2012 [spreadsheets].  
Wright A.L, Hayward G.D.  1998.  Barred owl expansion into the central Idaho wilderness.  Journal of Raptor Research.  32(2):77-81.
Wright PL, Rausch R.  1955.  Reproduction in the wolverine, Gulo gulo.  Journal of Mammalogy.  36 (3):p.346-355.
Wright P.L, Rausch R..  Submitted.  Reproduction in the wolverine, Gulo gulo.  Journal of Mammalogy.  36(3):346-355.
Wray, II T., Strait K.A, Whitmore R.C.  1982.  Reproductive success of grassland sparrows on a reclaimed surface mine in West Virginia.  Auk.  99:157-164.
Worthylake KMuriel, Hovingh P.  1989.  Mass mortality of salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum) by bacteria (Acinetobacter) in an oligotrophic seepage mountain lake.  Great Basin Naturalist.  49(3):364-372.  Available from,
Worthington D.J.  1991.  Abundance and distribution of bats in the Pryor Mountains of south central Montana and north eastern Wyoming.  
Worl R.G, al. et.  1991.  Geologic map of the Hailey 1 x 2 quadrangle, Idaho.  
Worden G..  1990.  List of great gray owl sightings.  
Worden GM.  1990.  Personal communication.  
Worden G.  1991.  Accipiter sightings for 1991 on the Ashton Ranger District, Targhee National Forest.  
Worden G..  1991.  List of gray owl sightings for the Ashton RD, Targhee NF, from 1991.  
Wooten M.C, Scribner K.T, Smith M.H.  1988.  Genetic variability and systematics of GAMBUSIA in the southeastern United States.  Copeia.  1988:283-289.
Wooten G..  1993.  Summary of a trampling study on Botrychium spp.  
Woolley H.P.  1973.  Subcutaneous acrylic polymer injections as marking technique for amphibians.  Copeia.  2:1973.
Woolf N.B.  1990.  Biotechnologies sow seeds for the future: how to conserve rare plants.  BioScience.  40(5):346-348.
Woodward S.M.  1994.  Identification of Sorex monticolus and Sorex vagrans from British Columbia.  Northwest Science.  68(4):277-283.
Woodsworth G.C, Bell G.P, Fenton M.B.  1981.  Observations of the echolocation, feeding behavior, and habitat use of Euderma maculatum (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in southcentral British Columbia.  Canadian Journal of Zoology.  59(6):1099-1102.
Woods C.P, Cade T.J.  1996.  Nesting habits of the loggerhead shrike in sagebrush.  Condor.  98:75-81.
Woods C.P.  1994.  The loggerhead shrike in southwest Idaho.  :198pp..
Woods C.P.  1995.  Status of loggerhead shrikes in the sagebrush habitat of southwestern Idaho. 6.