Bibliography and Citations

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Brodie, Jr. E.D.  1984.  Letter to J. Gore, USFWS, Boise, voicing Brodie's lack of support for listing the Idaho and Montana populations of Plethodon vandykei.  
Brodie JF, Post E.  2010.  Nonlinear responses of wolverine populations to declining winter snowpack.  Population Ecology.  52(2):279–287.  Available from
Brodberg R., Fisher T.R.  1976.  Scirpus subterminalis Torr. (Cyperaceae): a new state record.  Ohio Journal of Science.  76(3):109-110.
Brockman C.F.  1986.  Trees of North America: a field guide to the major native and introduced species north of Mexico.
Brock T.D.  1970.  High temperature systems.  Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics.  1:191-220.
Brock T.D, Brock M.L.  1969.  Recovery of a hot spring community from a catastrophe.  Journal of Phycology.  5:75-77.
Broadbooks H.E.  1970.  Home ranges and territorial behavior of the yellow-pine chipmunk, Eutamius amoenus.  Journal of Mammalogy.  51:310-326.
Broad K..  1989.  Lichens in southern woodlands. Forestry Commission Handbook 4.  
Brixen A.  1988.  Map of the Goodwin Meadows quadrangle, showing Calochortus nitidus population sites and rating of density (H,M,L), Nez Perce National Forest land.  
Brixen A(Allen R).  Submitted.  Professional background information.  Brixen, Al (Allen R.)..  
Brixen A.  1988.  Map of the White Bird Hill quadrangle, showing Calochortus nitidus population sites and rating of density (H,M,L), Nez Perce National Forest land.  
Brixen A.  1988.  Map of the Dairy Mountain quadrangle, showing Calochortus nitidus population sites and rating of density (H,M,L), Nez Perce National Forest land.  
Brixen A.  1988.  Map of the McKinzie Creek quadrangle, showing Calochortus nitidus population sites and rating of density (H,M,L), Nez Perce National Forest land.  
Brixen A..  1988.  Map of the Harpster quadrangle, showing Calochortus nitidus population sites and rating of density (H,M,L), Nez Perce National Forest land.  
Britton EG.  1906.  Notes on nomenclature VI.  Bryologist.  9(3):36-40.
Britton E.G.  1891.  Contributions to American bryology - II, a supplementary enumeration of the mosses collected by Mr. John B. Leiberg in Idaho, with descriptions of two new species.  Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club.  18:49-56.
Britton EG.  1905.  Bryological notes II.  Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club.  32:261-268.  Available from
Britton E.G, Clark R.G.  1985.  Effects of fire on sagebrush and bitterbrush.
Britton E.G.  1994.  Britton, E. G. 1994. Contributions to American Bryology-VI,I. Western species of Orthotrichum.  Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club.  21:1-15.
Britton E.G, Williams. R.S.  1900.  A new species of Mnium from Idaho and Montana.  Bryologist.  3:6-7.
Britten HB, Rust RW.  1996.  Population structure of a sand dune-obligate beetle, Eusattus muricatus, and its implications.  Conservation Biology.  10(2):647-652.  Available from
Brittell J.D, Poelker R.J, Sweeney S.J, Koehler G.M.  1989.  Native cats of Washington.  
British Columbia Ministry of Environment.  0.  Wolverine: management guidelines for British Columbia.  
British Columbia Ministry of Environment.  1993.  Spotted bat.  
British Columbia Ministry of Environment.  0.  Lynx: management guidelines for British Columbia.