Bibliography and Citations

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Compton B.B, Zager P., Skalski J.R.  1992.  Selkirk mountains woodland caribou census technique - methodology and recommendations.  
Compton B..  1995.  Printout of sharp-tailed grouse and sage grouse lek locations.  
Compton B.B, Zager P., Wielgus R.B.  1990.  Selkirk Mountains grizzly bear ecology project: April 1990 - March 1990.  
Compton B.B, Zager P., Allen-Johnson L..  1990.  Selkirk mountains caribou transplant: October 1989 - September 1990: Annual Report.  
Compton B.B, Zager P., Allen-Johnson L..  1991.  Selkirk mountains caribou transplant June 1990 - May 1991: Annual Report.  
Commons M..  2005.  Statewide sharp-tailed grouse lek database. Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.  
Committee on Environment, Natural Resources.  1995.  Preparing for the future through science and technology.  
Commission for Environmental Cooperation(CEC).  2008.  North American monarch conservation plan.    Available from
Commission for Environmental Cooper.  1999.  North American important bird areas: a directory of 150 key conservation sites.  
Commission IFish and G.  1942.  Wildlife of Idaho.
Comer P.J, Hak J..  2012.  Landscape condition in the conterminous United States. Spatial model summary.    Available from
Colwell M.A, Dodd S.L.  1995.  Waterbird communities and habitat relationships in coastal pastures of northern California.  Conservation Biology.  9:827-834.
Colwell M.A..  1986.  The first documented case of polyandry for Wilson's phalarope.  Auk.  103:611-612.
Colson K, Gamer K, Carrier M, Sausen G.  2015.  MacFarlane's four-o'clock (Mirabilis macfarlanei): 5-year review, short form summary - 2015.  
Colson K, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2020.  Spalding's catchfly 5-year review provided via email attachement.  
Colson K.  2015.  Email correspondence from Karen Colson regarding Final Mirabilis macfarlane 5-year review, 2015.  
Colson K.  2015.  Message from Karen Colson, USFWS, regarding Astragalus cusickii var. packardiae genetic analysis results.  
Colorado Natural Heritage Progra.  1996.  Rare and imperiled animals, plants, and natural communities.  
Colorado Native Plant Society.  1989.  Rare plants of Colorado.
Colman E.A.  1953.  Vegetation and watershed management: an appraisal of vegetation management in relation to water supply, flood control, andsoil erosion.
Collopy MW.  1984.  Parental care and feeding ecology of golden eagle nestlings.  Auk.  101(4):753-760.  Available from
Collopy MW.  1983.  Foraging behavior and success of golden eagles.  Auk.  100(3):747-749.  Available from
Collopy MW.  1986.  Food consumption and growth energetics of nestling golden eagles.  Wilson Bulletin.  98(3):445-458.  Available from
Collopy MW.  1983.  A comparison of direct observations and collections of prey remains in determining the diet of golden eagles.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  47(2):360-368.
Collopy M.W, Bildstein K.L.  1987.  Foraging behavior of northern harriers wintering in southeastern saltand freshwater marshes.  Auk.  104:11-16.