Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Arno S.F.  1985.  Ecological effects and management implications of Indian fires. INT-182.  
Page L.M, Rieley J.O.  1985.  The ecology and distribution of Carex chordorrhiza L. fil.  Watsonia.  15:253-259.
[Anonymous].  1985.  Ecology and management of the spotted owl in the Pacific Northwest.  
Gardner C.L.  1985.  The ecology of wolverines in southcentral Alaska.  
Winter B.M, Best L.B.  1985.  Effect of prescribed burning on placement of sage sparrow nests.  Condor.  87(2):294-295.  Available from
Markham O.D, Halford D.K.  1985.  Effects of decreased effluents from nuclear fuel reprocessing on Cs-137 concentrations in wildlife.  Northwest Science.  59(3):180-184.
Britton E.G, Clark R.G.  1985.  Effects of fire on sagebrush and bitterbrush.
Southern W.E, Patton S.R, Southern L.K, Hanners L.A.  1985.  Effects of nine years of fox predation on two species of breeding gulls.  Auk.  102:827-833.
Fenner P., Brady W.W, Patton D.R.  1985.  Effects of regulated water flows on regeneration of Freemont cottonwood.  Journal of Range Management.  38(2):135-138.
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1985.  Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; proposed endangered status for the Bruneau Hot Spring Snail. Proposed rule.  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1985.  Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; review of plant taxa for listing as endangered or threatened species.  Federal Register.  50(188):39526-39527plustable.
Summerfield B..  1985.  Environmental assessment: Selkirk Mountains caribou herd augmentation.  
Almack J..  1985.  An evaluation of grizzly bear habitat in the Selkirk Mountains of north Idaho.  :87pp.
Butterfield B.R, Almack J.A.  1985.  Evaluation of grizzly bear habitat in the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness Area.  
Savard J-PL.  1985.  Evidence of long-term pair bonds in Barrow's goldeneye (Bucephala islandica).  Auk.  102(2):389-391.  Available from
Savard J.-P.L.  1985.  Evidence of long-term pair bonds in Barrow's Goldeneye (BUCEPHALA ISLANDICA).  Auk.  102:389-391.
Taylor DW.  1985.  Evolution of freshwater drainages and molluscs in western North America. Smiley CJ, Leviton AE, Berson M, editors. San Francisco: American Association for the Advancement of Science, Pacific Division.   p. 265-321.
Rickard W.H..  1985.  Experimental Cattle Grazing in a Relatively Undisturbed Shrubsteppe Community.  Northwest Science.  59(1):66-72.
Gleason RL, Johnson DR.  1985.  Factors influencing nesting success of burrowing owls in southeastern Idaho.  Great Basin Naturalist.  45(1):81-84.  Available from
Krapu G.L., Iverson G.C., Reinecke K.J., Boise C.M.  1985.  Fat deposition and usage by arctic-nesting sandhill cranes during spring.  
Bechard M.J.  1985.  Ferruginous hawk banding records from 1985 survey.  
Houston C.S.  1985.  Ferruginous hawk nest platforms - progress report.  Blue Jay.  43(4):243-346.
Kochert M.N, Steenhof K., Doremus J..  1985.  Ferruginous hawk nesting surveys in the Snake River Birds of Prey Area: implications for long-term monitoring, abstract. 1985 Raptor Research Foundation Symposium on the management of birds of prey; international meeting, November 1-10, 1985.  Sacramento (California)
Patterson P.A, Neiman K.E, Tonn J.R.  1985.  Field guide to forest plants of northern Idaho.  
Brunsfeld S.J, Johnson F.D.  1985.  Field guide to the willows of east-central Idaho.