Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Journal Article
White KS, Pendleton GW, Crowley D, Griese HJ, Hundertmark KJ, McDonough T, Nichols L, Robus M, Smith CA, Schoen JW.  2011.  Mountain goat survival in coastal Alaska: effects of age, sex, and climate.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  75(8):1731–1744.
Johnson DR.  1976.  Mountain caribou: threats to survival in the Kootenay Pass region, British Columbia.  Northwest Science.  50(3):97-101.
Eldridge D.J.  2004.  Mounds of the American Badger (Taxidea taxus): Significant Features of North American Shrub-Steppe Ecosystems.  Journal of Mammalogy.  85(6):1060-1067.
Dwight, Jr. J.  1900.  The moult of the North American Tetraonidae (quails, partridges and grouse).  Auk.  17:34-51.
Hoy J.A, Elliott. J.C.  2003.  Mosses of semiarid steppes, Bitterroot Valley, Ravalli County, Montana.  Evansia.  20(2):55-58.
Freckmann S.K.  1977.  Mosses of Portage County, Wisconsin.  Bryologist.  80:193-198.
Anderson L.E.  1951.  The mosses of North Carolina VI. Encalyptaceae to Pottiaceae.  Bryologist.  54:145-161.
Boardman C.M.  1977.  Mosses not previously reported from western Pennsylvania.  Bryologist.  80:351-352.
Jones G.n.  1930.  The moss flora of southeastern Washington and adjacent Idaho: part 1 and 2.  Research studies of the State College of Washington.  1(3-4):113-192.
Thien L.B.  1969.  Mosquito pollination of Habenaria obtusata (Orchidaceae).  American Journal of Botany.  56(2):232-237.
Brown J.L, Fox A.C.  1966.  Mosquito fish (GAMBUSIA AFFINIS) in a Montana pond.  Copeia.  1966:614-616.
Speirs J.M.  1940.  Mortality of barn owls at Champaign, Illinois.  Auk.  57:571.
Baumgardner G.D, Kennedy M.L.  1993.  Morphometric variation in kangaroo rats (genus DIPODOMYS) and its relationship to selected abiotic variables.  Journal of Mammalogy.  74:69-85.
Sattler G.D, Braun. M.J.  2000.  Morphometric variation as an indicator of genetic interactions between Black-capped and Carolina Chickadees at a contact zone in the Appalachian Mountains.  Auk.  117:427-444.
Seutin G., Boag P.T, Ratcliffe L.M.  1993.  Morphometric variability in redpolls from Churchill, Manitoba.  Auk.  110:832-843.
LaFrankie, Jr. J.V.  1986.  Morphology and taxonomy of the New World species of Maianthemum (Liliaceae).  Journal of Arnold Arboretum.  67(4):371-440.
Obregón-Barboza H, Maeda-Martínez AM, Murugan G, Timms BV, Grygier MJ, D. Rogers C, Rodríguez-Almaraz G, Dumont HJ.  2007.  Morphology and systematic significance of the mystax, a hitherto undescribed cephalic structure of males in certain Notostraca (Branchiopoda).  Journal of Crustacean Biology.  27(1):18-23.
Piller KR, Bart, Jr. HL, Walser CA.  2001.  Morphological variation of the redfin darter, ETHEOSTOMA WHIPPLEI, with comments on the status of the subspecific populations.  Copeia.  2001:802-807.
Russell N.H.  1956.  Morphological variation in Viola selkirkii Pursh.  Castanea.  21:53-62.
Mansfield DH, Barbour L.  2022.  Morphological variation in the rare Idaho endemic, Lepidium papilliferum (Brassicaceae) and segregation of Owyhee County populations as a new variety of Lepidium montanum.  Phytoneuron.  46:1-20.  Available from
D. Rogers C.  2002.  A morphological re-evaluation of the anostracan families Linderiellidae and Polyartemiidae, with a redescription of the linderiellid Dexteria floridana (Dexter 1956) (Crustacea: Branchiopoda).  Hydrobiologia.  486(1):57–61.
Eldridge D.J, Rosentreter R..  1999.  Morphological groups: a framework for monitoring microphytic crusts in arid landscapes.  Journal of Arid Environments.  41:11-25.
Taylor D.M, Walker J.M.  1991.  Morphological evidence for the conspecific relationship of the teiid lizards, CNEMIDOPHORUS TIGRIS AETHIOPS and C. TIGRIS GRACILIS.  Copeia.  1991:800-809.
C. Knisley B, M. Woodcock R, Kippenhan MG.  2012.  A morphological and mtDNA analysis of the Badlands tiger beetle, Cicindela (s. str.) decemnotata Say, 1817 (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Cicindelinae) with the description of three new subspecies.  Insecta Mundi.  0214:1-49.  Available from
McPhail J.D, Taylor E.B.  1999.  Morphological and genetic variation in northwestern longnose suckers, CATOSTOMUS CATOSTOMUS: the Salish sucker problem.  Copeia.  1999:884-893.