Bibliography and Citations

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Houston C.S.  1985.  Ferruginous hawk nest platforms - progress report.  Blue Jay.  43(4):243-346.
Bechard M.J.  1985.  Ferruginous hawk banding records from 1985 survey.  
Olsen O.A.  1976.  A fern, Polystichum braunii ssp. purshii, new to Labrador.   The Canadian Field-Naturalist.  90(4):490.
Heidel BL, Fertig W, Mellmann-Brown S, Houston KE, Dwire KA.  2017.  Fens and their rare plants in the Beartooth Mountains, Shoshone National Forest, Wyoming.  General Technical Report: RMRS-GTR-369.    Available from
Bursik R.J.  1992.  Fen vegetation species composition and percent cover field data from Hager Lake.  
Bursik RJ.  1993.  Fen vegetation and rare plant population monitoring in Cow Creek Meadows and Smith Creek Research Natural Area, Selkirk Mountains, Idaho.  
Bursik R.J.  1992.  Fen vegetation and rare plant population monitoring forms from Cow Creek Meadows and Smith Creek Research Natural Area, Selkirk Mountains, Idaho.  
Smith G, Lemly J, Schroder K.  2017.  Fen Mapping for the Salmon-Challis National Forest.    Available from
Procter-Gray E..  1991.  Female-like plumage of subadult male American redstarts does not reduce aggression from other males.  Auk.  108:872-879.
D. Rogers C.  2002.  Female-based characters for anostracan (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) identification: a key for species of California and Oregon, USA.  Hydrobiologia.  486(1):125–132.
McCourt K.H, Boag D.A, Keppie D.M.  1973.  Female spruce grouse activities during laying and incubation.  Auk.  90(3):619-623.
Seutin G..  1987.  Female song in Willow flycatchers (EMPIDONAX TRAILLII).  Auk.  104:329-33.
Eliason B.C.  1986.  Female site fidelity and polygyny in the blackpoll warbler (DENDROICA STRIATA).  Auk.  103:782-790.
Esler D, Iverson SA.  2010.  Female harlequin duck winter survival 11 to 14 years after the Exxon Valdez oil spill.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  74(3):471–478.  Available from
Unsworth J.W, Beecham J.J, Irby L.R.  1989.  Female black bear habitat use in west-central idaho.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  53(3):668-673.
Tumlison R..  1987.  Felis lynx.  Mammalian Species.  269:1-8.
Prescott D.RC, Middleton A.LA.  1988.  Feeding-time minimization and the territorial behavior of the willow flycatcher (EMPIDONAX TRAILLII).  Auk.  105:17-28.
Reimchen T.E, Douglas S..  1984.  Feeding schedule and daily food consumption in red-throated loons (GAVIA STELLATA) over the prefledging period.  Auk.  101:593-599.
Bailey-Brock J.H., Brock R.E..  1993.  Feeding, reproduction, and sense organs of the Hawaiian anchialine shrimp HALOCARDINA RUBRA (Atyidae).  Pacific Science.  47:338-355.
Stoner D., Stoner L.C.  1944.  Feeding of nestling Bank Swallows.  Auk.  58:52-55.
Klein N.K, Rosenberg K.V.  1986.  Feeding of Brown-Headed Cowbird (MOLOTHRUS ATER) fledglings by more than one "host" species.  Auk.  103:213-214.
Mueller H.C, Biben M.G, Sears H.F.  1972.  Feeding interactions between pied-billed grebes and herons.  Auk.  89:19.
Bray MP, Klebenow DA.  1988.  Feeding ecology of white-faced ibises in a Great Basin valley, USA.  Colonial Waterbirds.  11(1):24-31.
Marks JS, Marti CD.  1984.  Feeding ecology of sympatric barn owls and long-eared owls in Idaho.  Ornis Scandinavica.  15(2):135-143.
Salter R.E, Hudson R.J.  1979.  Feeding ecology of feral horses in western Alberta.  Journal of Range Management.  32(3):221-225.