Bibliography and Citations

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Utah Division of Wildlife Resources.  2020.  Winged Floater (Anodonta nuttalliana) - species status statement.    Available from
USDI Fish, Wildlife Service.  2006.  Letter dated February 27, to interested parties regarding public review of the draft "Best available biological information" document for Slickspot peppergrass. Snake River Fish and WIldlife Service, Boise, ID.  
USDI Bureau of Land Management, Vale District Office.  1993.  Analysis of management alternatives: Leslie Gulch area of critical environmental concern (ACEC). Vale, OR.  
USDI Bureau of Land Management, Boise District Office.  1993.  Addendum to the proposed Cascade Resource Management Plan Amendment and Environmental Assessment to consider areas of critical environmental concern designation and federal land transfer.  
USDI Bureau of Land Management.  1986.  Map 3-1 in Draft Cascade Resource Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement.  
USDI Bureau of Land Management, USDA-ARS.  1992.  Interim report FY-1992: general requirements of Thelypodium repandum, a federal C2 species in east-central Idaho.  
USDI Bureau of Land Management.  1991.  Notice of Realty Action, Classification of public lands for state indemnity selection.  
USDI Bureau of Land Management.  2001.  Summary for 2000 special status plant monitoring, survey, management, and 2001 planned work.  
USDI Bureau of Land Management, Partners in Flight.  1998.  Birds as indicators of riparian vegetation condition in the western U.S. Washington D.C.  
USDI Bureau of Land Management.  1996.  Letter dated June 6 to Edna Ray, Fish and Wildlife Service, regarding Mirabilis macfarlanei status, management guidelines and changes in monitoring. U. S. Bureau of Land Management, Cottonwood, ID.  
USDI Bureau of Land Management.  0.  Conservation Agreement (CA) for Primula alcalina, alkali primrose, Draft.  
USDI Bureau of Land Management.  1999.  Summary for 1998 special status plant monitoring, survey, and management and 1999 planned work.  
USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service.  1998.  The plants database.  
USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service.  2001.  The plants database.  
USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service, Matthews V.  2013.  Idaho crop estimates for 2012.  
USDA Forest Service, Idaho Panhandle National Forests.  0.  Trees of North Idaho.  
USDA Forest Service, Boise National Forest.  1993.  Proposed Forest Plan Amendment: designation of seven Special Interest Botanical Areas to protect critical plant habitat of Douglasia idahoensis.  
USDA Agriculture Research Service.  Submitted.  U.S. sheep experiment station species list.  
URS Corporation.  2008.  Slickspot peppergrass survey findings report.  
URS.  2012.  Midpoint to Borah (Right-of-Way Grant IDI-14555) Wildlife, Plant, and Noxious Weed - Terrestrial Visual Encounter Survey Report: Appendix C. Rare Plant Observation Report Forms and Appendix D. Rare Animal Observation Report Forms.  Prepared for Idaho Power Company, Boise, Idaho.  
URS.  2005.  Final report, fall 2005 inventory, Lepidium papilliferum (Crypt Basin).  
Urner C.A..  1925.  Notes on two ground-nesting birds of prey.  Auk.  42:31-41.
Urner C.A..  1921.  Short-eared owl nesting at Elizabeth, New Jersey.  Auk.  38:602-603.
Urner C.A..  1923.  Notes on the short-eared owl.  Auk.  40:30-36.
Uresk DW, Schenbeck GL, O'Rourke JT.  1997.  Conserving biodiversity on native rangelands: symposium proceedings. Conserving Biodiversity on Native Rangelands.  General Technical Report RM-GTR-298.  Fort Robinson State Park (Nebraska): U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Fort Collins, CO.