Bibliography and Citations

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Frest T.J.  1989.  Affidavits (3) submitted to the U.S. District Court for the District of Idaho relative to proposed water projects in Box Canyon on the Snake River and their effects on indigenous mollusc species.  
Frest TJ, Johannes EJ.  1992.  Distribution and ecology of the endemic and relict mollusc fauna of Idaho TNC's Thousand Springs Preserve.  
Frest T.J.  1992.  Land snail locations provided to the Salmon River Ranger District. Map and cover letter with a note to the CDC from the Salmon River Ranger District.  
Frest T.J.  1992.  Letter to Bill Horton, fisheries bureau, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, and preliminary report concerning Frest's recent survey for molluscs at Minidoka Dam and vicinity on the Snake River.  
Frest TJ.  In Press.  A bibliography of Idaho freshwater and terrestrial mollusks.  
Frest T.J, Johannes E.J.  1993.  Mollusc survey of the Hanford Site, Benton and Franklin counties, Washington.  
Frest T.J, Johannes E.J.  1993.  Freshwater mollusks in the vicinity of three proposed ITD projects, middle and upper Snake River, Idaho [Clear Lakes Grade, Downard Bridge, Overland Bridge]. Final Report.  
Frest T.J.  1997.  Land snails of the lower Salmon River drainage, Idaho.
Frest T.J.  1991.  Letter to Steve Duke, Boise Field Office, USFWS, regarding the Columbia pebblesnail, Fluminicola columbiana, in the Payette River.  
Frest T.J, Neitzel D..  0.  Notes on the distribution and biology of Fluminicola fuscus (Haldeman, 1841), the Columbia pebblesnail (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia: Hydrobiidae).  Veliger.  
Frest T.J.  1992.  Letter to Bill Horton, fisheries bureau, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, regarding Frest's recent survey for molluscs in the Auger Falls area of the Snake River.  
Frest T.J.  1993.  Letter to Idaho Tranportation Department regarding mollusc sampling at Clear Lake Grade.  
Frest T.J, Johannes E.J, Clark W.H, Stephens G., Plew M.G.  2001.  A bibliography of Idaho freshwater and terrestrial mollusks.  Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science.  37(2):9-120.
Frest T.J.  1991.  Proposal for land snail survey of lower Salmon River and Hells Canyon areas, Idaho, for possible Threatened, Endangered, and Candidate land snails. Proposal and letter to the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  
Frest T.J, Johannes E.J.  1993.  Mollusc survey of the Auger Falls project (FERC #4794) reach of the Middle Snake River, Idaho. Final Report.  
Frest T.J, Johannes E.J.  1998.  The hydrobiid subfamily Amnicolinae in the northwestern United States.  
Frest T.J, Bowler P.A.  1993.  A preliminary checklist of the aquatic and terrestrial mollusks of the middle Snake River sub-basin. Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council, Volume XXIV, 1992 Annual Symposium, November 18-21, Mesa, AZ.  24.  Mesa (AZ): Desert Fishes Council.   p. 53-58.
Frest T.J, Bowler P.A.  1992.  The ecology, distribution and status of relict Lake Idaho mollusks and other endemics in the Middle Snake River, Abstract.
Frest T.J, Johannes E.J.  1995.  Interior Columbia Basin mollusk species of special concern.  
Frest T.J, Neitzel D..  0.  Notes on the distribution and biology of Fisherola nuttalli (Haldeman, 1843), the shortface lanx (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Lancidae).  Veliger.  
Frest T.R.  1994.  Southern Idaho springsnail sites.  
Frest TJ, Johannes EJ.  1997.  Land snails of the Lucile Caves ACEC.    Available from
French AR.  1989.  Seasonal variation in use of torpor by pallid kangaroo mice, Microdipodops pallidus.  Journal of Mammalogy.  70(4):839-842.  Available from
French NR, Mitchell J.E.  1983.  Long-term vegetation changes in permanent quadrats at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory.  
Freemark K.E, Dunning J.B, Hejl S.J, Probst J.R.  1995.  Ecology and management of neotropical migratory birds.