Bibliography and Citations

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Edwards R.Y.  1954.  Fire and the decline of a mountain caribou herd.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  18(4):521-526.
Baker W.L.  2006.  Fire and restoration of sagebrush ecosystems.  Wildlife Society Bulletin.  34(1):177-185.
Hilty J.  2000.  Fire and rain: ecology of sagebrush steppe communities in southern Idaho.  Sage Notes.  23(2):6-8.
Bunting S.  2001.  Fire and community diversity in the western juniper/sagebrush steppe mosaic.  Sage Notes.  23(2):1-3.
Bisson P.A, Rieman B.E, Luce C., Hessburg pF, Lee D.C, Kershner J.L, Reeves G.H, Gresswell R.E.  2003.  Fire and aquatic ecosystems of the western USA: current knowledge and key questions.  Forest Ecology and Management.  178:213-229.
Pilliod DS, Bury R.B, Hyde EJ, Pearl CA, Corn PStephen.  2003.  Fire and amphibians in North America.  Forest Ecology and Management.  178(1-2):163-181.  Available from
Behnke R..  1989.  Fine-spotted Snake River cutthroat trout: Oncorhynchus (formerly Salmo) clarki subspecies.  
United States Air Force.  2002.  Final: Vegetation management environmental assessment at Juniper Butte Range.  
ERO Resources Corporation.  2008.  Final survey and mapping report for slickspot habitat and Lepidium papilliferum inventory; Owyhee County, ID.  
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service.  1994.  Final supplemental environmental impact statement on management of habitat for late-successional and old-growth forest related species within the range of the northern spotted owl.  
Butcher G.S, Lowe J.D.  1963.  Final report to the United States Fish and Wildlife Service: population trends of twenty species of migratory birds as revealed by Christmas bird counts, 1963-1987.  
CH2MHILL.  2006.  Final Report: Slickspot peppergrass (Lepidium papilliferum) permanent monitoring plots 2006 Juniper Butte Range.  
McDonald L., Strickland M.D, Wheeler A.H, Mullen M.A.  1990.  Final Report - Sightings of grizzly bears in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem: results of a mail survey conducted 1987-1989.  
Glennon J.M, Maroney R.Q.  1997.  Final Report: plant search for the federally threatened Spiranthes diluvialis in southeastern Idaho.  
Hartman R.L, Nelson B.E.  0.  Final report on field inventory for Ute lady's tresses - Spiranthes diluvialis - in eastern Wyoming and a detailed discussion of a new locality.  Hartman, R.L., and B.E. Nelson. No Date. Final report on field inventory for Ute lady's tresses - Spiranthes diluvialis - in eastern Wyoming and a detailed discussion of a new locality. Upublished report prepared by the Rocky Mountain Herbarium, Universit.  
Mansfield D..  1999.  Final report of riparian graminoid survey for Vale District BLM.  
Platz J.E, Grudzien T..  1993.  Final report: geographic distribution and genetic variability assessment of the Ramsey Canyon leopard frog.  
Bernatas S..  1991.  Final report for the rare plant and significant natural plant community inventory of the Saylor Creek Air Force Range.  
Atwood D..  1997.  Final report for Spiranthes diluvialis surveys on the Caribou National Forest, Malad Ranger District.  
Atwood D..  1998.  Final report for challenge cost share project inventory for Thompson's Peteria (Peteria thompsoniae) a BLM sensitive species.  
Franklin M.A.  2003.  Final Report. Floristic survey of Grouse Creek Valley and adjacent mountains, northwest Utah.  
Fertig W., Marriott H..  1993.  Final report: field survey for Astragalus paysonii (Payson's milkvetch) and Draba borealis (Boreal draba), Bridger-Teton National Forest.  
URS.  2005.  Final report, fall 2005 inventory, Lepidium papilliferum (Crypt Basin).  
Moseley R.K, Mancuso M..  1992.  Final maps for the Boise Foothills rare plant study, resulting from field work done in 1991-1992.  
Bureau of Land Management.  1995.  Final Leslie Gulch ACEC Management Plan: summary of management actions.