Bibliography and Citations

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Maeda-Martínez AM, D. Rogers C, Worthington RD.  2005.  First records of the fairy shrimp Streptocephalus moorei (Branchiopoda: Anastraca) from the United States.  Journal of Crustacean Biology.  25(4):547–550.  Available from
McMahon EE, Oakley CC, Cross SP.  1981.  First record of the spotted bat (Euderma maculatum) from Oregon.  Great Basin Naturalist.  41(2):270.  Available from
Pratt V.S, Whitt C.R.  1952.  First record of the percopsid fish, Columbia transmontana, from Idaho.  Copeia.  1952:267-268.
Shryer J, Flath DL.  1980.  First record of the pallid bat (Antrozous pallidus) from Montana.  Great Basin Naturalist.  40(2):115.  Available from
Fothergill K.  2006.  A first record of Cicindela (Cicindelidai) punctulata punctulata Olivier (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) from Idaho, U.S.A..  Cicindela.  38(1-4):65-68.
Connelly JW, Gates RJ.  1981.  First record of a black-legged kittiwake in Idaho.  Condor.  83:272-273.  Available from
Findholt S.L, Trost C..  1982.  First nesting record of the cattle egret in Idaho.  Murrelet.  63:88-89.
Hayward GD, Garton EO.  1983.  First nesting record for boreal owl in Idaho.  Condor.  85(4):501.  Available from
Hladik ML, Kolpin DW.  2015.  First national-scale reconnaissance of neonicotinoid insecticides in streams across the USA.  Environmental Chemistry.  13(1):12-20.  Available from
E. Hart B.  1982.  First Idaho rock squirrel (Spermophilus variegatus) specimen record.  
Colwell M.A..  1986.  The first documented case of polyandry for Wilson's phalarope.  Auk.  103:611-612.
van den Driessche R., McConnell S.D, Hooper T.D.  1994.  First confirmed breeding record for the upland sandpiper, Bartramia longicauda, in British Columbia.  Canandian Field-Naturalist.  108:89-91.
Mack R.N.  1988.  First comprehensive botanical survey of the Columbia Plateau, Washington: the Sandberg and Leiberg expedition of 1893.  Northwest Science.  62(3):118-127.
Cooper JK.  1969.  First breeding record of the white-headed woodpecker for Canada.  Canadian Field-Naturalist.  83(3):276-277.  Available from
Jacobus LM, Newell RL, McCafferty W.P.  2006.  First adult and egg descriptions of Caudatella edmundsi (Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae) from Montana (U.S.A.), with habitat observations.  Entomological News.  117(2):175-180.
Habeck J.R, Mutch R.W.  1973.  Fire-dependent forests in the northern Rocky Mountains.  Quaternary Research.  3:408-424.
Yensen E, Quinney DL, Johnson K, Timmerman K, Steenhof K.  1992.  Fire, vegetation changes, and population fluctuations of Townsend's ground squirrels.  American Midland Naturalist.  128(2):299-312.
Barrett S.W.  1988.  Fire suppression's effects on forest succession within a central Idaho wilderness.  Western Journal of Applied Forestry.  3(3):76-80.
Flint H.R.  1925.  Fire resistance of northern Rocky Mountain conifers.  
Barrett S.W.  1993.  Fire regimes on the Clearwater and Nez Perce National Forests, north-central Idaho.  
Austin M.L.  1999.  Fire perimeter maps for the 1999 Goose Creek Fire: Blue Hill and Oakley 1:24,000 quadrangles.  
Gom L.A, Rood S.B.  1999.  Fire induces clonal sprouting of riparian cottonwoods.  Canadian Journal of Botany.  77:1604-1616.
Paysen TE, R. Ansley J, Brown JK, Gottfried GJ, Haase SM, Harrington MG, Narog MG, Sackett SS, Wilson RC.  2000.  Fire in western shrubland, woodland, and grassland ecosystems. Wildland fire in ecosystems: effects of fire on flora.  Brown JK, Smith JKapler, editors. Ogden (UT): U. S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.   p. 121-159.  Available from
Bunting S.C.  1985.  Fire in sagebrush-grass ecosystems: successional changes.
Arno S.F, Davis D.H.  1980.  Fire history of western redcedar/hemlock forests in northern Idaho.