Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Journal Article
Menges E.S.  1990.  Population viability analysis for an endangered plant.  Conservation Biology.  4(1):52-62.
Gilpin M..  1989.  Population viability analysis.  Endangered Species UPDATE.  6(10):15-18.
Eberhardt L.L, Blanchard B.M, Knight R.R.  1994.  Population trend of the Yellowstone grizzly bear as estimated from reproductive and survival rates.  Canadian Journal of Zoology.  72:360-363.
Evans G.R, Holdenried R..  1943.  A population study of the Beechey ground squirrel in central California.  Journal of Mammalogy.  24:231-260.
Oring L.W, Lank D.B, Maxson S.J.  1983.  Population studies of the polyandrous spotted sandpiper.  Auk.  100:272-285.
W. Funk C, Blouin MS, Corn PStephen, Maxell BA, Pilliod DS, Amish S, Allendorf FW.  2005.  Population structure of Columbia spotted frogs (Rana luteiventris) is strongly affected by the landscape.  Molecular Ecology.  14(2):483–496.  Available from
Heath J.P, Robertson G.J, Montevecchi W.A.  2006.  Population structure of breeding harlequin ducks and the influence of predation risk.  Canadian Journal of Zoology.  84(6):855–864.  Available from
Britten HB, Rust RW.  1996.  Population structure of a sand dune-obligate beetle, Eusattus muricatus, and its implications.  Conservation Biology.  10(2):647-652.  Available from
Gibbons J.W.  1968.  Population structure and survivorship in the painted turtle, Chrysemys picta.  Copeia.  1968(2):260-268.
Turner FB.  1960.  Population structure and dynamics of the western spotted frog, Rana p. pretiosa Baird & Girard, in Yellowstone Park, Wyoming.  Ecological Monographs.  30(3):251-278.
Holmes R.N.  1987.  Population monitoring of Phacelia verna: A federal candidate species.  Northwest Science.  61(1):44-49.
Bock C.E, Lepthien L.W.  1976.  Population growth in the cattle egret.  Auk.  93:164-166.
Damman H., Cain M.L.  1998.  Population growth and viability analyses of the clonal woodland herb, Asarum canadense.  Journal of Ecology.  86:13-26.
Gavin T.A, Sherman P.W, Yensen E., May B..  1999.  Population genetic structure of the northern Idaho ground squirrel (Spermophilus brunneus brunneus).  Journal of Mammalogy.  80(1):156-168.
Gavin T.A, Sherman P.W, Yensen E., May B..  1999.  Population genetic structure of the northern Idaho ground squirrel (SPERMOPHILUS BRUNNEUS BRUNNEUS).  Journal of Mammalogy.  80:156-168.
Ellstrand NC, Elam DR.  1993.  Population genetic consequences of small population size: Implications for plant conservation.  Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics.  24:217-242.
Proctor MF, Paetkau D, McLellan BN, Stenhouse GB, Kendall KC, Mace RD, Kasworm WF, Servheen C, Lausen CL, Gibeau ML et al..  2012.  Population fragmentation and inter-ecosystem movements of grizzly bears in western Canada and the northern United States.  Wildlife Monographs.  180(1):1-46.
Andres BA, Smith PA, Morrison R.IGuy, Gratto-Trevor CL, Brown SC, Friis CA.  2012.  Population estimates of North American shorebirds, 2012.  Wader Study Group Bulletin.  119(3):178-194.  Available from,
Stewart D.T, Kantrud H.A.  1972.  Population estimates of breeding birds in North Dakota.  Auk.  89:766-788.
Kushlan J.A.  1977.  Population energetics of the American white ibis.  Auk.  94:114-122.
Skupski M.P.  1995.  Population ecology of the western harvest mouse, REITHRODONTOMYS MEGALOTIS:.  Journal of Mammalogy.  76:358-367.
Redmond RL, Jenni DA.  1986.  Population ecology of the long-billed curlew (Numenius americanus) in western Idaho.  Auk.  103(4):755-767.  Available from
Redmond R.L, Jenni D.A.  1986.  Population ecology of the long-billed curlew (NUMENIUS AMERICANUS) in western Idaho.  Auk.  103:755-767.
De Jong T.J, Klinkhamer P.GL.  1988.  Population Ecology of the Biennials Cirsium Vulgare and Cynoglossum Officinale in a Coastal Sand-Dune Area.  Journal of Ecology.  76(2):366-382.
Knight R.B, Eberhardt L.L.  1985.  Population dynamics of Yellowstone grizzly bears.  Ecology.  66:323-334.