Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Moseley R.K.  1989.  Field investigations of Erigeron salmonensis and Hackelia davisii on the Salmon National Forest, with notes on Epipactis gigantea, Halimolobos perplexa var lemhiensis, and Ribes velutinum var novum.  
Moseley R.K.  1989.  Field investigations of four Astragali, all Region 4 sensitive species, on the Salmon National Forest, with notes on two others.  
Moseley R.K.  1989.  Field investigations of Leptodactylon pungens ssp. hazeliae (Hazel's prickly phlox) and Marabilis macfarlanei (Macfarlane's four-o-clock), Region 4 sensitive species on the Payette National Forest, with notes on Astragalus vallaris (Snake Canyon milkvetch.  
Moseley R.K.  1989.  Field investigations of Saxifraga bryophora var. tobiasiae (Tobias' saxifrage), a Region 4 Sensitive Species, on the Payette National Forest, with notes on Campanula scabrella (rough bellflower).  
Caicco S.L.  1989.  Field investigations of selected sensitive plant species on the Nez Perce National Forest.  
Moseley R.K.  1989.  Field investigations of seven rare alpine plant species in the southern Lemhi Range and Beaverhead Mountains, Dubois Ranger District, Targhee National Forest.  
Lorain C.C.  1989.  Field investigations of three Region 1 sensitive species on the Clearwater National Forest: Asplenium trichomanes (Maidenhair spleenwort), Thelypteris nevadensis (Sierra woodfern), and Dodecatheon hendersonii (Henderson's shooting star); plus new location.  
Groves C..  1989.  Field notes from Groves' survey in Kootenai and Boundary counties for Coeur d'Alene salamander during late September and early October 1989.  
Therrell L..  1989.  Field survey forms for plants observed on the Nez Perce National Forest.  
Moseley R.K.  1989.  Field work in SW ID, spring 1989.  
Behnke R..  1989.  Fine-spotted Snake River cutthroat trout: Oncorhynchus (formerly Salmo) clarki subspecies.  
Banci V..  1989.  A fisher management strategy for British Columbia.  
al. J.EWilliam.  1989.  Fishes of North America endangered, threatened, or of special concern: 1989.  Fisheries.  14(6):2-20.
Peck J.K, Nekola J., Farrar D.R.  1989.  Five pteridophytes new to Iowa.  American Fern Journal.  79(1):28-29.
Castro G., Myers J.P..  1989.  Flight range estimates for shorebirds.  Auk.  106:474-476.
[Anonymous].  1989.  Floristic for the 21st century - proceedings of the workshop sponsored by the American Society of Plant Taxonomists and the Flora of North America Project. 4-7 May, 1988, Alexandria, VA.
Coates D.J, Sokolowski R.E.  1989.  Geographic patterns of genetic diversity in karri (Eucalyptus diversicolor F. Muell.).  Australian Journal of Botany.  37:145-156.
Biggam R.C, Brusven MA.  1989.  Gerridae (water striders) of Idaho (Heteroptera).  Great Basin Naturalist.  49(2):259-274.
Hayward G., Escano. R.E.  1989.  Goshawk nest-site characteristics in western Montana and northern Idaho.  Condor.  91:476-479.
Bull E.L.  1989.  Great gray owl: Strix nebulosa.  
Atkinson E.  1989.  Great gray owl (Strix nebulosa) surveys on the Payette National Forest.  
Anderson R.C, Shumar M.L.  1989.  Guidelines for revegetation of disturbed sites at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory.  
Strait D.H.  1989.  Habitat suitability index model: side-blotched lizard (Uta stansburiana).  
Strait D.H.  1989.  Habitat suitability index model: western fence lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis).  
Arthur SM, Krohn WB, Gilbert JR.  1989.  Habitat use and diet of fishers.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  53(3):680-689.  Available from