Bibliography and Citations

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Hampton N.  2005.  Insects of the Idaho National Laboratory: a compilation and review. Sagegrouse Habitat Restoration Symposium proceedings; 2001June 4-7.  RMRS-P-38.  Shaw NL, Pellant M, Monsen SB, editors. Boise (ID): U.S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.   p. 116-130.  Available from
Hampton P.D.  1981.  The wintering and nesting behavior of the trumpeter swan.  :185pp..
Hammond M.C, Henry C.J.  1949.  Success of marsh hawk nests in North Dakota.  Auk.  66:271-4.
Hammond M.C, Yensen E..  1982.  Differential microhabitat utilization in Peromyscus truei and Peromyscus maniculatus in the Owyhee Mountains, Idaho.  Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science.  18(2):49-54.
Hammond PC.  1994.  Rare butterfly assessment for the Columbia River Basin in the Pacific Northwest.    Available from
Hammon D., Pearson. L.C.  1967.  Lichens of eastern Idaho and adjacent Wyoming, Utah and Montana in the Ricks College Herbarium.  Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science.  12(2):55-57.
Hammet A..  Submitted.  Professional background information.  Hammet, Anna..  
Hammerson G, Santos-Barrera G.  2004.  Anaxyrus woodhousii. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.2.    Available from
Hammerson GA, Santos-Barrera G, Muths E.  2004.  Anaxyrus boreas. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.2.    Available from
Hammerson G, Solís F, Ibáñez R, Jaramillo C, Fuenmayor Q.  2004.  Lithobates pipiens. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.2.    Available from
Hammerson GA, Schweitzer D, Master L, Cordeiro J.  2008.  Ranking species occurrences - a generic approach.    Available from
Hammer S..  1995.  A synopsis of the genus Cladonia in the northwestern United States.  Bryologist.  98(1):1-28.
Hammer S..  1995.  Hammer, S. 1995. The biogeography and ecology of species in the lichen genus Cladonia in the Columbia River Basin.  
Hammer S., Heseltine J.M.  1988.  Aquatic macrophytes in saline lakes of the Canadian prairies.  Hydrobiologia.  158:101-116.
Hammer S., Ahti. T..  1990.  New and interesting species of Cladonia from California.  Mycotaxon.  37:335-348.
Hamlin KL, Ross MS.  2002.  Effects of hunting regulation changes on elk and hunters in the Gravelly-Snowcrest Mountains, Montana.    Available from
Hamlet AF, Mote PW, Clark MP, Lettenmaier DP.  2005.  Effects of temperature and precipitation variability on snowpack trends in the western United States.  Journal of Climate.  18(21):4545-4561.  Available from
Hamilton W., Myers W.B.  1962.  Menan Buttes, cones of glassy basalt tuff in the Snake River Plain, Idaho.  Geological Survey Research.  :E114-E118.
Hamilton GB, Peterson CR, Wall WA.  1998.  Distribution and habitat relationships of amphibians on the Potlatch Corporation operating area in northern Idaho.  
Hamilton S.L.  2001.  Ecology and body condition of the northern sa-whet owl (Aegolius acadicus) and flammulated owl (Otus flammeolus) during fall migration, progress report.  
Hamerstrom F, Hamerstrom F.  1961.  Status and problems of North American grouse.  Wilson Bulletin.  73(3):284-294.  Available from
Hamerstrom F..  1979.  Effect of prey on predator: voles and harriers.  Auk.  96:370-374.
Hamer T.E, al. et.  1994.  Hybridization between barred and spotted owls.  Auk.  111:487-492.
Halterman MD, Johnson MJ, Holmes JA, Laymon SA.  2015.  A natural history summary and survey protocol for the western distinct population segment of the yellow-billed cuckoo. Final draft.  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Techniques and Methods.    Available from
Halsey L.A, Vitt D.A, Gignac. L.D.  2000.  Spagnum-dominated peatlands in North America since the Last Glacial Maximum: their occurrence and extent.  Bryologist.  103(2):334-352.