Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Journal Article
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Connelly J.W, Fischer R.A, Apa A.D, Reese K.P, Wakkinen W.L..  1993.  Renesting by sage grouse in southeastern Idaho.  Condor.  95:1041-1043.
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Jahns H.M.  1970.  Remarks on the taxonomy of the European and North American species of Pilophorus Th. Fr..  Lichenologist.  4:199-213.
Taylor D.W.  1966.  A remarkable snail fauna from Coahuila, Mexico.  Veliger.  9:152-228.
Reed J.M.  1995.  Relative vulnerability to extirpation of montane breeding birds in the Great Basin.  Great Basin Naturalist.  55(4):342-351.
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Hayward G., Hayward. P.H.  1995.  Relative abundance and habitat associations of small mammals in Chamberlain Basin, central Idaho.  Northwest Science.  69(2):114-125.
Sibley C.G., Ahlquist J.E..  1984.  The relationships of the starlings (Sturnidae: Sturnini) and the mockingbirds (Sturnidae: Mimini).  Auk.  101:230-243.
Murdock J.R., Rickard W.H..  1956.  The relationships of soil moisture and temperature among certain grassland associations of southeastern Washington.  Northwest Science.  30:99-103.
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Glime J.M, Hong W.S.  1997.  Relationships of geothermal bryophyte communities to soil characteristics at Thermal Meadow, Hotsprings Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, Canada.  Journal of Bryology.  19:435-448.
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Dufty A.M.  1994.  Rejection of foreign eggs by yellow-headed blackbirds.  Condor.  96:799-801.
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