Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Journal Article
Simon N.PP, Stratton C.B, Forbes G.J, Schwab F.E.  2002.  Similarity of small mammal abundance in post-fire and clearcut forests.  Forest Ecology and Management.  165:163-172.  Available from
Fung MYP.  1984.  Silverberry seed pretreatment and germination techniques.  Tree Planters' Notes.  35(3):32-33.
McNeill J..  1978.  Silene alba and S. dioica in North America and the generic delimitation of Lychnis, Melandrium, and Silene (Caryophyllaceae).  Canadian Journal of Botany.  56(3):297-308.
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Anonymous.  1990.  Silba: supplement to Coniferae census, II: Abies grandis.  Phytologia.  68(1):19.
Rittenhouse B..  1992.  Significant plants of New River.  Bulletin of the Native Plant Society of Oregon.  25(11):111-113.
Ibrahim MAli, Na MK, Oh J, Schinazi RF, McBrayer TR, Whitaker T, Doerksen RJ, Newman DJ, Zachos LG, Hamann MT.  2013.  Significance of endangered and threatened plant natural products in the control of human disease.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.  110:16832-16837.  Available from
Powers L.  1969.  Sight record of the blue grosbeak in Idaho.  Murrelet.  50(2):20.  Available from
Boal C.W, Bacorn J.E.  1994.  Siblicide and cannibalism in northern goshawk nests.  Auk.  111:748-750.
Mullican T.R, Carraway L.N.  1990.  Shrew remains from Moonshiner and Middle Butte caves, Idaho.  Journal of Mammalogy.  71(3):351-356.
Leavitt SD, Keuler R, Newberry CC, Rosentreter R, Clair LLSt..  2019.  Shotgun sequencing decades-old lichen specimens to resolve phylogenomic placement of type material.  Plant and Fungal Systematics.  64(2):237–247.
Ebersole J.L.  1987.  Short-term vegetation recovery at an Alaskan arctic coastal plain site.  Arctic and Alpine Research.  19(4):442-450.
Davies K.W, Bates J.D, Miller R.F.  2006.  Short-Term Effects of Burning Wyoming Big Sagebrush Steppe in Southeast Oregon.  Rangeland Ecology and Management.  60:515-522.
Urner C.A..  1921.  Short-eared owl nesting at Elizabeth, New Jersey.  Auk.  38:602-603.
Miller RA, Paprocki N, Stuber MJ, Moulton CE, Carlisle JD.  2016.  Short-eared owl (Asio flammeus) surveys in the North American Intermountain West: utilizing citizen scientists to conduct monitoring across a broad geographic scale.  Avian Conservation and Ecology.  11(1):art3.  Available from
Castro G., Myers J.P.  1993.  Shorebird predation on eggs of horseshoe crabs during spring stopover on Delaware Bay.  Auk.  110:927-930.
Mihuc J.R, Trost C.H, Mihuc T.B.  1997.  Shorebird predation on benthic macroinvertebrates in an irrigation reservoir.  Great Basin Naturalist.  57(3):245-252.
Knick S.T, Kasworm W..  1989.  Shooting mortality in small populations of grizzly bears.  Wildlife Society Bulletin.  17:11-15.
Pierce JD.  1984.  Shiras moose forage selection in relation to browse availability in north-central Idaho.  Canadian Journal of Zoology.  62(12):2404-2409.
Larrucea E.S, Brussard P.F.  2008.  Shift in location of pygmy rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis) habitat in response to changing environments.  Journal of Arid Environments.  72(9):1636–1643.
Bernt B..  1986.  Sheep transplanting: keeping the bighorns distributed properly.  Northwest Edition.  February:8-10.
Billings W.D.  1949.  The shadscale vegetation zone of Nevada and eastern California in relation to climate and soils.  American Midland Naturalist.  42(1):87-107.
Ornat A.L, Greenberg R..  1990.  Sexual segregation by habitat in migratory warblers in Quintana Roo, Mexico.  Auk.  107:539-543.
Parrish J.D., Sherry T.W..  Submitted.  Sexual habitat segregation in American redstarts (SETOPHAGA RUTICILLA) wintering in Jamaica: impact of the dry season.  Auk.  
Parrish J.D., Sherry T.W..  1994.  Sexual habitat segregation by American Redstarts wintering in Jamaica: importance of resource seasonality.  Auk.  111(1):38-49.