Bibliography and Citations

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Henderson D.M.  1981.  A new Douglasia (Primulaceae) from Idaho.  Brittonia.  33(1):52-56.
Henderson DM.  1976.  A Biosystematic Study of Pacific Northwestern Blue-Eyed Grasses (Sisyrinchium, Iridaceae).  Brittonia.  28:149-176.  Available from
Henderson J..  1929.  The non-marine Mollusca of Oregon and Washington.  University of Colorado Studies.  17:47-190.
Henderson J..  1931.  A new lymnaeid from Idaho.  Nautilus.  44(3):75-77.
Henderson D.  Submitted.  Professional background information.  Henderson, Douglass..  
Hemstrom M.A, Korol J.J, Hann W.J.  2001.  Trends in terrestrial plant communities and landscape health indicate the effects of alternative management strategies in the interior Columbia River basin.  Forest Ecology and Management.  153:105-126.
Hempy-Mayer K, Pyke DA.  2008.  Defoliation effects on Bromus tectorum seed production: implications for grazing.  Rangeland Ecology & Management.  61(1)
Hempy-Mayer K.  2004.  The effects of defoliation on Bromus tectorum seed production and growth.  Botany and Plant Pathology.  :54pp..
Hemphill H..  1890.  Descriptions of new varieties of North American land shells.  Nautilus.  3:133-135.
Hemphill H..  1911.  Description of some varieties of shells, with short notes on the geographical range and means of distribution of land shells.  Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History.  1:99-108.
Hemker T..  1993.  Statewide surveys and inventories: upland game.  
Hemker T..  1994.  Upland game.  
Hemker T..  1992.  Statewide surveys and inventories: upland game surveys and inventory.  
Hemker T..  1990.  Statewide surveys and inventories: upland game surveys and inventory.  
Hemker T.  Submitted.  No description.  Hemker, Tom.  
Heller A.A.  1904.  Western species, new and old. II.  Muhlenbergia.  1(4):47-62.
Helfer J.R.  1987.  How to Know the grasshoppers, crickets, cockroaches and their allies.
Helenurm K, Barrett. S.CH.  1987.  The reproductive biology of boreal forest herbs. II. Phenology of flowering and fruiting.  Canadian Journal of Botany.  65(10):2047-2056.
Hejl S.J.  1992.  The importance of landscape patterns to bird diversity: a perspective from the northern Rocky Mountains.  Northwest Environmental Journal.  8:119-137.
Hejl S.J.  1994.  Human-induced changes in bird populations in coniferous forests in western North America during the past 100 years.  
Hejl S.J, Hutto R.L, Preston C.R, Finch D.M.  1995.  Effects of silvicultural treatments in the Rocky Mountains.  
Heitschmidt R.K.  1990.  The role of livestock and other herbivores in improving rangeland vegetation.  Rangelands.  12(2):112-115.
Heise K.L.  2000.  Bryophytes of riparian areas in the Toiyabe Range of Central Nevada.  Evansia.  17(2):63-67.
Heinze D.H.  1994.  Willows of Montana.  
Heinselman M.L.  1970.  Landscape evolution, peatland types, and the environment in Lake Agassiz Peatlands Natural Area, Minnesota.  Ecological Monographs.  40(2):235-261.