Bibliography and Citations

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Kirkpatrick R.S.  1987.  A flora of the southeastern Absarokas, Wyoming.  :166pp..
Kirkland, Jr. GL.  1976.  Small mammals of a mine waste situation in the central Adirondacks, New York: a case of opportunism by Peromyscus maniculatus.  American Midland Naturalist.  95(1):103-110.  Available from,
Kirkland, Jr. GL.  1977.  Responses of small mammals to the clearcutting of northern Appalachian forests.  Journal of Mammalogy.  58(4):600-609.  Available from
Kirk JJ.  1988.  Western spotted frog (Rana pretiosa) mortality following forest spraying of DDT.  Herpetological Review.  19(3):51-53.  Available from
Kirby VC.  1980.  An adaptive modification in the ribs of woodpeckers and piculets (Picidae).  Auk.  97(3):521-532.  Available from
Kipfmueller KF, Baker WL.  2000.  A fire history of a subalpine forest in south-eastern Wyoming, USA.  Journal of Biogeography.  27(1):71-85.  Available from
Kipfmueller KF.  2001.  Fire, fuels, and climate in coniferous forests of Idaho and Montana.  Sage Notes.  23(1):2-5.
Kinziger A.P, Raesly R.L, Neely D.A.  2000.  New species of COTTUS (Teleostei: Cottidae) from the middle Atlantic eastern United States.  Copeia.  2000:1007-1018.
Kinter L..  2007.  E-mail correspondence regarding Botrychium specimens.  
Kinter L..  2007.  Email correspondence with John Kartesz concerning Botrychium lineare location.  
C. Kinter L, Harloe LA, Pekas KM, Miller JJ.  2010.  Habitat integrity and population monitoring of Lepidium papilliferum (slickspot peppergrass): 2009.  
C. Kinter L, Rosentreter R.  2016.  Personal Communication between Kinter and Rosentreter: Artemisia tridentata ssp. xericensis occurs in Idaho and Oregon.  
C. Kinter L, Miller JJ, Pekas KM.  2014.  Habitat integrity and population monitoring of Lepidium papilliferum (slickspot peppergrass): 2013.  
Kinter C.L.  2009.  Email to Lisa Harloe regarding Cryptantha breviflora and C. sericea.  
Kinter L, Gould J.  2015.  Email correspondence between Alberta Environment and Parks to Idaho Natural Heritage Program regarding Oenothera psammophila not confirmed in Alberta.  
C. Kinter L, Giblin D, Antonelli D, Strickland J.  2019.  Email correspondence and file attachments discussing Howellia aquatilis specimen collection by J. H. Sandberg (699) in Idaho.  
Kinter L.  2016.  Email correspondence from Lynn Kinter to Jim Strickland on March 8, 2016 RE Ipomopsis congesta var crebrifolia herbaria specimen records.  
Kinter L, Kartez J.  2012.  Personal Communication between Kinter and Kartez: No documented record of Sisyrinchium septentrionale in Idaho.  
C. Kinter L, Fulkerson JR, Miller JJ, Clay DL.  2013.  Habitat integrity and population monitoring of Lepidium papilliferum (slickspot peppergrass): 2012.  
Kinter C.L.  2009.  Survey for Winward's goldenbush (Ericameria discoidea var. winwardii, Ericameria winwardii) on the Caribou-Targhee National Forest, Bear Lake County, Idaho.  
Kinter L.  2016.  Idaho process for ranking plants.  
Kinter L.  2014.  Idaho statutes pertaining to plants and Idaho Department of Fish and Game.  
Kinter L.  2018.  Idaho rare plant observation report and GIS shapefiles for Spiranthes diluvialis at Palisades Dam.  
Kinter L, Corbin E.  2012.  Email correspondence regarding Haplopappus uniflorus var. howellii as synonym for Pyrrocoma linearis on INPS list, January 2012.  
C. Kinter L, Miller JJ.  2020.  Field Assessment of Sensitive Plant Occurrences at Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve.