Bibliography and Citations

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Korpimäki E.  1988.  Costs of reproduction and success of manipulated broods under varying food conditions in Tengmalm's owl.  Journal of Animal Ecology.  57(3):1027-1039.
Korpimäki E.  1988.  Effects of age on breeding performance of Tengmalm's owl Aegolius funereus in western Finland.  Ornis Scandinavica.  19(1):21-26.
Korpimäki E.  1989.  Mating system and mate choice of Tengmalm's owls Aegolius funereus.  Ibis.  131(1):41-50.
Korpimäki E.  1986.  Niche relationships and life-history tactics of three sympatric Strix owl species in Finland.  Ornis Scandinavica.  17(2):126-132.
Korpimäki E.  1987.  Prey caching of breeding Tengmalm's owls Aegolius funereus as a buffer against temporary food shortage.  Ibis.  129(Supplement s2):499-510.
Korpimäki E, Lagerström M.  1988.  Survival and natal dispersal of fledglings of Tengmalm's owl in relation to fluctuating food conditions and hatching date.  Journal of Animal Ecology.  57(2):433-441.
Korpimaki E., Norrdahl K..  1991.  Numerical and functional responses of kestrels, short-eared owls, and long-eared owls to vole densities.  Ecology.  72(3):814-826.
Korpimäki E, Hongell H.  1986.  Partial migration as an adaptation to nest-site scarcity and vole cycles in Tengmalm's owl Aegolius funereus.  Vår Fågelvärld Supplementum.  11:85-92.
Korpimäki E.  1987.  Selection for nest-hole shift and tactics of breeding dispersal in Tengmalm's owl Aegolius funereus.  Journal of Animal Ecology.  56(1):185-196.
Korol J.B.  1992.  The vascular plant flora of Rankin Inlet, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories.  Canadian Field-Naturalist.  106:342-347.
Kormos PR, Marks D, Pierson FB, C. Williams J, Hardegree SP, Havens S, Hedrick A, Bates JD, Svejcar TJ.  2016.  Sagebrush Rangelands Help Maintain Water Availability.  :4pp..
Kormos PR, Marks D, Pierson FB, C. Williams J, Hardegree SP, Havens S, Hedrick A, Bates JD, Svejcar TJ.  2016.  Ecosystem Water Availability in Juniper versus Sagebrush Snow-Dominated Rangelands.  Rangeland Ecology & Management.  :13pp..
Kormondy E.J.  1969.  Concepts of ecology.
Koprowski J.L.  1991.  Response of fox squirrels and gray squirrels to a late spring-early summer food shortage.  Journal of Mammalogy.  72:367-372.
Koponen T..  1973.  Rhizomnium (Miniaceae) in North America.  Annales Botanici Fennici.  10:1-26.
Koponen T..  1971.  A report on Rhizomnium (Mniaceae) in Japan.  Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory.  34:365-390.
Koponen T..  1992.  Endangered bryophytes on a global scale.  Biological Conservation.  59:255-258.
Koplin JR.  1969.  The numerical response of woodpeckers to insect prey in a subalpine forest in Colorado.  Condor.  71(4):436-438.  Available from
Kootenai Valley Resource Initiative Burbot Committee.  2005.  Kootenai River/Kootenay Lake burbot conservation strategy.    Available from
Kootenai Tribe of Idaho, Fish and Wildlife Department, Kruse G.  2002.  Trout Creek biological assessment: 2001.    Available from
Kootenai Tribe of Idaho, Fish W& Parks Mo.  2004.  Kootenai Subbasin Plan. Part 1. Kootenai River Subbasin assessment.    Available from
Kootenai Tribe of Idaho.  2009.  Kootenai River habitat restoration project master plan: a conceptual feasibility analysis and design framework.    Available from
Koopowitz H.  2001.  Orchids and their conservation. Portland (OR): Timber Press.  
Koopman M.E, Cypher B.L, Scrivner J.H.  2000.  Dispersal patterns of San Joaquin kit foxes (VULPES MACROTIS MUTICA).  Journal of Mammalogy.  81:13-222.
Konopacky Environmental.  1994.  Presence-absence survey for five ESA-listed species of molluscs in the designated downstream and upstream project impact zones associated with the proposed Shelley Hydroelectric Project on the Snake River, Idaho during early September 1994.