Bibliography and Citations

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Markham O.D, Halford D.K, Autenrieth R.E.  1980.  Strontium-90 concentrations in pronghorn antelope bones near a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant.  Health Physics.  38(5):811-816.  Available from
Markham O.D, Halford DK.  1982.  Radionuclides in mourning doves near a nuclear facility complex in southeastern Idaho.  Wilson Bulletin.  94(3):185-197.  Available from
Markham O.D, Halford D.K.  1985.  Effects of decreased effluents from nuclear fuel reprocessing on Cs-137 concentrations in wildlife.  Northwest Science.  59(3):180-184.
Marion Ownbey Herbarium, Washington State University.  Submitted.  No description.  Marion Ownbey Herbarium, Washington State University..  
Marino P.C.  1991.  Dispersal and coexistence of mosses (Splachnaceae) in patchy habitats.  Journal of Ecology.  79:1047-1060.
Marimuthu G., Chandrashekaran M.K.  1983.  Continuous light inside a cave abolishes the social synchronization of the circadian rhythm in a bat.  Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.  12(4):321-323.  Available from,
Maret T.R, Cain D.J, MacCoy D.E, Short T.M.  2003.  Response of benthic invertebrate assemblages to metal exposure and bioaccumulation associated with hard-rock mining in northwestern streams, USA.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society.  22(4):598-620.  Available from
Maret TR, Hortness JE, Ott DS.  2006.  Instream flow characterization of Upper Salmon River Basin streams, central Idaho, 2005.    Available from
Maret T, Ott D..  2002.  MS Excel spreadsheet containing field notes and invertebrate survey data for Box Canyon conducted by the United States Geological Survey.  
Maret T.R, MacCoy D.E.  2002.  Fish assemblages and environmental variables associated with hard-rock mining in the Coeur d'Alene River basin, Idaho.  Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.  131(5):865-884.
Maret T.  2002.  Transcription of email correspondence between the USFWS, USGS and IDCDC personnel regarding a 2002 survey for the Banbury Springs Lanx.  
Marek PE, Kavanaugh DH.  2005.  The evolutionary relationships of North American Diplous Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Patrobini) inferred from morphological and molecular evidence.  Invertebrate Systematics.  19(2):145-168.  Available from
Mardon D.K.  1990.  Conservation of montane willow scrub in Scotland.  Transactions of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh.  45:427-436.
Marcot B.G.  1995.  Ten questions and answers about population viability.  
Marcot BG, Hill R.  1980.  Flammulated owls in northwestern California.  Western Birds.  11(3):141-149.  Available from
Marcot B.G.  1995.  Owls of old world forests of the world.  
Marcot BG, Holthausen RS, Raphael MG, Rowland MM, Wisdom MJ.  2001.  Using Bayesian belief networks to evaluate fish and wildlife population viability under land management alternatives from an environmental impact statement.  Forest Ecology and Management.  5500(2001):1-14.
Marcot B.G.  1983.  Snag use by birds in Douglas-fir clearcuts.  
Marcks BG.  1974.  Preliminary reports on the flora of Wisconsin No. 66. Cyperaceae II - sedge family II. The genus Cyperus - the umbrells sedges.  Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters.  62:261-284.
Manuel MG.  1974.  A revised classification of the Leucodontaceae and a revision of the subfamily Alisiodeae.  Bryologist.  77:149-165.
Mantas M..  2000.  Status of water howellia (Howellia aquatilis) and reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea)in water howellia ponds: 1998 and 1999. Monitoring report.  
Mantas M..  1993.  Ecology and reproductive biology of Epipactis gigantea Dougl. (Orchidaceae) in northwestern Montana.  :73pp..
Mantas M., Wirt R.S.  1995.  Moonwarts of western Montana (Botrychium subgenus Botrychium).  
Mansfield D.H.  2000.  Flora of Steens Mountain.
Mansfield D.  2016.  Email correspondence and file attachments of Idaho Rare Plant Observation Reports for 2015.