Bibliography and Citations

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Marshall DB.  1988.  Draft report: status of the Wolverine in Oregon.  
Marshall W.H, Waring R.H.  1984.  Conifers and broadleaf species: stomatal sensitivity differs in western Oregon.  Canadian Journal of Forest Research.  14(6):905-908.
Marshall D.B.  1988.  Petition to list the upland sandpiper as a Threatened species in Oregon, Draft.  
Marshall D.B.  1969.  Endangered plants and animals of Oregon III. Birds.  
Marshall D.B.  1988.  Status of the kit fox in Oregon.,Review draft.  
Marshall, Jr. JT.  1939.  Territorial behavior of the flammulated screech owl.  Condor.  41(2):71-78.  Available from
Marshall JT.  1988.  Birds lost from a giant sequoia forest during fifty years.  Condor.  90:359-372.  Available from
Marshall WH, Jensen MS.  1937.  Winter and spring studies of the sharp-tailed grouse in Utah.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  1(3/4):87-99.
Marshall D..  1991.  Status of the black-backed woodpecker in Oregon and Washington, Draft.  
Marsh T, Wood TS.  2002.  Results of a freshwater bryozoan survey in the Pacific Northwestern United States. Jackson P.NWyse, Buttler C.J, Jones M.ESpencer, editors. 16–21 July 2001; Dublin (Ireland): A. A. Balkema Publishers.   p. 207-214.
Marsh C.D, Clawson A.B.  1920.  Astragalus tetrapterus, a new poisonous plant of Utah and Nevada.  
Marsh H, Dennis A, Hines H, Kutt A, McDonald K, Weber E, Williams S, Winter J.  2007.  Optimizing allocation of management resources for wildlife.  Conservation Biology.  21(2):387-399.  Available from
Marsh A.W, Tileston F.M, Wolfe J.W.  1956.  Improving Irrigation in Eastern Oregon.  
Marsden H.M.  1961.  Natural longevity record for a bobwhite.  Auk.  78:94.
Marriott H..  1986.  Status report for Claytonia lanceolata var. flava.  
Marriott H..  1986.  Status report for Antennaria arcuata.  
Marriott H..  1990.  Survey and taxonomic study of Astragalus shultziorum (Shultz's milkvetch).  
Marra P.P, Sherry T.W, Holmes R.T.  1993.  Territorial exclusion by a neotropical migrant bird in winter: a removal experiment with American Redstarts (SETOPHAGA RUTICILLA) in Jamaica.  Auk.  110:565-572.
Marra PP, Sherry TW, Holmes RT.  Submitted.  Territorial exclusion by a long-distance migrant warbler in Jamaica: a removal experiment with American Redstarts (Setophaga ruticilla). In press.  Auk.  110(3):565-572.
Marquis R.J, Batzli G.O.  Submitted.  Influence of chemical factors on palatability of forage to voles.  Journal of Mammalogy.  70:503-11.
Maroney R.Q.  1998.  A vegetation survey of the Blackfoot River Wildlife Management Area, Abstract.  Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science.  34(1):7.
Markus H.C.  1934.  Life history of the blackhead minnow, PIMEPHALES PROMELAS.  Copeia.  1934:116-122.
Marks V.S.  1988.  Columbian sharp-tailed grouse: a subspecies in peril?
Marks J.S, Marks V.S.  1987.  Influence of radio collars on survival of sharp-tailed grouse.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  51(2):468-471.
Marks JS.  1984.  Feeding ecology of breeding long-eared owls in southwestern Idaho.  Canadian Journal of Zoology.  62(8):28-1533.