Bibliography and Citations

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Miller RF, Eddleman LL.  2000.  Spatial and temporal changes of sage grouse habitat in the sagebrush biome.    Available from
Miller V.E.  1989.  1989 Field Survey Report, Harlequin Duck (Histrionicus histrionicus), lower Clark Fork River drainage, west-central Montana.  
Miller JJ, C. Kinter L.  2014.  Surveying and Occurrence Assessments for Agastache cusickii (Cusick's giant-hyssop) and Agoseris lackschewitzii (pink agoseris) on the Caribou-Targhee National Forest.  
Miller DA, Arnett EB, Lacki MJ.  2003.  Habitat management for forest-roosting bats of North America: a critical review of habitat studies.  Wildlife Society Bulletin.  31(1):30-44.
Miller J.ED, Rossman A., Rosentreter R., Ponzetti J..  2011.  Lichen ecology and diversity of a sagebrush steppe in Oregon: 1977 to present.  North American Fungi.  6(2):1-14.
Miller JJ, C. Kinter L.  2019.  Field Assessment of Lepidium papilliferum (Slickspot Peppergrass) Element Occurrences: Jarbidge Geographic Area.  
Miller R.  2016.  Survey results for white-headed woodpecker, Picoides albolarvatus, on the Nez Perce–Clearwater National Forests, 2016 [Excel spreadsheet].  
Miller M.T, Dring T..  1988.  Territorial defense of multiple lakes by common loons: a preliminary report.
Miller JJ, C. Kinter L.  2020.  A Guide to Sensitive Plants of Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve.  
Miller J., Irwin J..  2014.  Specimen labels for 2014 field season collections.  
Miller JJ, Murphy C, Rust SK, Coulter C..  2006.  Baseline and stewardship monitoring, Sawtooth National Forest Research Natural Areas in the Sawtooth Valley—2005 field season.  
Miller, Jr. GS, Allen GM.  1928.  The American bats of the genera Myotis and Pizonyx. Bulletin of the United States National Museum.  Washington (DC): Smithsonian Institution.    Available from
Miller RF, Chambers JC, Pyke DA, Pierson FB, C. Williams J.  2013.  Fire Effects on Vegetation and Soils in the Great Basin Region - Response and Site Characteristics.  
Miller R.  2017.  2017 Mountain Quail survey results within the Nez Perce–Clearwater National Forest [Excel spreadsheet].  
Miller M.T, Rust S..  2004.  Establishment record for Upper Priest River Research Natural Area within Idaho Panhandle National Forts, Bonner County, Idaho.  
Miller M..  1977.  Response of blue huckleberry to prescribed fires in a western Montana larch-fir forest.  
Miller RA, deKramer KE, Carlisle JD.  2013.  Black swift surveys within and around the Idaho Panhandle National Forest 2013. Final report. Version 1.0.  
Millard J.B, Whicker F.W, Markham O.D.  1978.  Barn swallows nesting near radioactive leaching ponds in southeastern Idaho.  
Milius S..  1999.  Unknown plants under our noses: how much backyard botany remains to be discovered? Science News.  155:8-10.
Mikol S.A.  1980.  Field guidelines for using transects to sample nongame bird populations.  
Mihuc TB, G. Minshall W, Mihuc JR.  1996.  Species–environment relationships among filter-feeding caddisflies (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) in Rocky Mountain streams.  Great Basin Naturalist.  56(4):287-293.  Available from
Mihuc J.R, Trost C.H, Mihuc T.B.  1997.  Shorebird predation on benthic macroinvertebrates in an irrigation reservoir.  Great Basin Naturalist.  57(3):245-252.
Mickey F.W..  1943.  Breeding habits of McCown's Longspur.  Auk.  60:181-209.
Michener WK, Brunt JW, Helly JJ, Kirchner TB, Stafford SG.  1997.  Nongeospatial metadata for the ecological sciences.  Ecological Applications.  7(1):330-342.
Meyers S.E, Kitchen S.G, Carson S.L.  1995.  Seed germination timing patterns in Intermountain Penstemon (Scrophulariaceae).  American Journal of Botany.  82(3):377-389.