Bibliography and Citations

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Miller G..  1988.  Field survey summary report, Harlequin Ducks (Histrionicus histrionicus), Cabinet Ranger District, Kootenai National Forest.  
Miller RF, Chambers JC, Pyke DA, Pierson FB, C. Williams J.  2013.  Fire Effects on Vegetation and Soils in the Great Basin Region - Response and Site Characteristics.  
Miller JJ.  2010.  Ute ladies'-tresses (Spiranthes diluvialis) monitoring on the South Fork Snake River, Idaho: sixth year results.  
Miller R.  2021.  Cassia Crossbill survey data from 2021.  
Miller R.  2016.  Survey results for white-headed woodpecker, Picoides albolarvatus, on the Nez Perce–Clearwater National Forests, 2016 [Excel spreadsheet].  
Miller JJ, C. Kinter L.  2014.  Surveying and Occurrence Assessments for Agastache cusickii (Cusick's giant-hyssop) and Agoseris lackschewitzii (pink agoseris) on the Caribou-Targhee National Forest.  
Miller RF, Chambers JC, Pellant M.  2014.  A field guide for selecting the most appropriate treatment in sagebrush and piñon-juniper ecosystems in the Great Basin: evaluating resilience to disturbance and resistance to invasive annual grasses, and predicting vegetation response.    Available from
Miller RF, Eddleman LL.  2000.  Spatial and temporal changes of sage grouse habitat in the sagebrush biome.    Available from
Miller J., Irwin J..  2014.  Specimen labels for 2014 field season collections.  
Miller JJ, C. Kinter L.  2019.  Field Assessment of Lepidium papilliferum (Slickspot Peppergrass) Element Occurrences: Jarbidge Geographic Area.  
Miller JJ, C. Kinter L.  2020.  A Guide to Sensitive Plants of Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve.  
Miller M.T, Brown M.F.  1981.  A catalogue/checklist of butterflies of America north of Mexico.  Lepidopterists' Society Memoir.  No. 2:280pp..
Miller K..  2006.  List of caves at which Townsend's big-eared bat hibernacula were observed and tissue samples taken from some bats. Email message is attached to the list.  
Miller J.C.  1994.  Assessment of the Columbia River Basin: understory herbivores (Lepidoptera).  
Miller K..  2005.  Excel spreadsheet containing small mammal trapping results at Sand Creek WMA. Email message accompanies the spreadsheet.  
Miller A.H, Stebbins R.C..  1964.  Mountain quail.
Miller, Jr. GS, Allen GM.  1928.  The American bats of the genera Myotis and Pizonyx. Bulletin of the United States National Museum.  Washington (DC): Smithsonian Institution.    Available from
Miller, Jr. O.K.  1984.  A new species of Hygrophorus from North America.  Mycologia.  76(5):816-819.
Miller R.  2017.  2017 Mountain Quail survey results within the Nez Perce–Clearwater National Forest [Excel spreadsheet].  
Miller RA, Paprocki N, Stuber MJ, Moulton CE, Carlisle JD.  2016.  Short-eared owl (Asio flammeus) surveys in the North American Intermountain West: utilizing citizen scientists to conduct monitoring across a broad geographic scale.  Avian Conservation and Ecology.  11(1):art3.  Available from
Miller JJ, Kinter LC.  2019.  Survey and field assessment of Astragalus anserinus (goose creek milkvetch) element occurrences in cassia county, Idaho.  
Miller KErin G.  2007.  Connectivity, relatedness and winter roost ecology of Townsend's big-eared bat (Corynorhinus townsendii) [master's thesis].  Department of Biological Sciences.  :77.
Miller RF, Chambers JC, Pellant M.  2015.  A field guide for rapid assessment of post-wildfire recovery potential in sagebrush and piñon-juniper ecosystems in the Great Basin: evaluating resilience to disturbance and resistance to invasive annual grasses and predicting vegetation response.    Available from
Miller S., Wiltse P..  1990.  Idaho Natural Heritage Program Rare Plant Species Observation Report forms for species occurring on the Idaho Falls District BLM.  
Miller V.E.  1989.  1989 Field Survey Report, Harlequin Duck (Histrionicus histrionicus), lower Clark Fork River drainage, west-central Montana.