Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Gardner C.L.  1985.  The ecology of wolverines in southcentral Alaska.  
Austin M.L.  2007.  Ecology of the Western Burrowing Owl: population, community, and landscape dynamics relating to long-term persistence of Athene cunicularia in south central Idaho, with special attention to edaphic relationships.  
Guyer C..  1978.  Ecology of the short-horned lizard (Phrynosoma douglassi) and the sagebrush lizard (Sceloporus graciosus) on the INEL site.  
Koehler G.M.  1987.  The ecology of the lynx (Lynx canadensis) in Northern-Central Washington.  
Bull E.L, Henjum M.G.  1990.  Ecology of the great gray owl.  
Newhouse B., Brainerd R., Kuykendall K., Wilson B., Zika P..  1995.  Ecology of the genus Carex in the Eastside Ecosystem Management Project area.  
Buchele D.E, Baskin J.M, Baskin C.C.  1989.  Ecology of the endangered species Solidago shortii, I. Geography, populations, and physical habitat.  
Connelly J.W, Ball I.J.  1978.  The ecology of sage grouse on the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Site.  
Braatne J.H, Rood S.B, Simons R.K, Gom L.A, Canali G.E.  1971.  Ecology of riparian vegetation of the Hells Canyon Corridor of the Snake River: Field data, analysis and modeling of plant responses to inundation and regulated flows.  
Johnson N.K, Diller L..  1976.  Ecology of reptiles in the Snake River Birds of Prey Natural Area.  
Diller L., Johnson D.R.  1982.  Ecology of reptiles in the Snake River Birds of Prey Area, Final Report.  
Latham P., Hibbs D..  2001.  The ecology of rare plants, Annual report 2001.  
Cassirer E.F, Groves C.R.  1992.  Ecology of harlequin ducks in northern Idaho, progress report 1991.  
Cassirer E.F, Groves C.R.  1994.  Ecology of harlequin ducks in northern Idaho.  
Warren nM, Hornocker M.G.  1979.  Ecology of great blue herons on Silver Creek, Idaho. Final report to The Nature Conservancy.  
Gleason R.S.  1978.  Ecology of burrowing owls on the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Site.  
Lesica P., Shelly S.J.  1988.  The ecology of Arabis fecunda: long-term monitoring, knapweed removal, and soil crust ecology studies.  
Miller RF, Chambers JC, Evers L, C. Williams J, Snyder KA, Roundy BA, Pierson FB.  2019.  The ecology, history, ecohydrology, and management of pinyon and juniper woodlands in the Great Basin and Northern Colorado Plateau of the western United States.  
Barnes KP.  2007.  Ecology, habitat use, and probability of detection of Flammulated Owls in the Boise National Forest.  
[Anonymous].  1985.  Ecology and management of the spotted owl in the Pacific Northwest.  
Freemark K.E, Dunning J.B, Hejl S.J, Probst J.R.  1995.  Ecology and management of neotropical migratory birds.  
Johnson N.K, Crawford R.C.  1978.  Ecology and distribution of six species of sensitive plants of northern Idaho: Clearwater Basin sensitive plants study.  
Johnson N.K, Crawford R.C.  1978.  Ecology and distribution of six species of sensitive plants of northern Idaho (Clearwater Basin sensitive plants study).  
Benfield C..  2004.  The ecology and demography of a rare woodland orchid, Cypripedium fasciculatum.  
Wasser C.H.  1982.  Ecology and culture of selected species useful in revegetating disturbed lands in the West.