Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Antonelli D.  2024.  Email correspondence and file attachments from Derek Antonelli relating to Cyperus odoratus.  
Colket B, Strickland J, Corbin E, Kinter L.  2013.  Email correspondence and file attachments from Beth Colket relating to Penstemon laxus.  
Abell LA, Lichthardt J.  2016.  Email correspondence and file attachments for whitebark pine observations at Sunset Peak during September 2015.  
Halford A, Theodozio J.  2018.   Email correspondence and file attachments for Davis' peppergrass observations in Kerr Burger Allotment.  
Tomaino A, Kinter L.  2018.  Email correspondence and file attachments discussing Ipomopsis aggregata ssp. weberi as false report in Idaho.  
C. Kinter L, Giblin D, Antonelli D, Strickland J.  2019.  Email correspondence and file attachments discussing Howellia aquatilis specimen collection by J. H. Sandberg (699) in Idaho.  
Oliver L, Kinter L.  2018.   Email correspondence and file attachments discussing Erigeron katiae in Idaho.  
Guenther G.  2023.  Email correspondence and attachments of RPOR for Ipomopsis congesta ssp. crebrifolia, Pyrrocoma integrifolia, and Primula incana .  
Woods C..  2001.  Email and correspondence containing locational data associated with 1991-1994 BSU graduate field survey of loggerhead shrike nests.  
[Anonymous].  1998.  The Ellen Trueblood Symposium: highlighting Idaho's rare fungi and lichens.  
Prentice P..  1997.  Ellen Trueblood: a history of an early Idaho Mycologist. The Ellen Trueblood symposium: highlighting Idaho's rare fungi and lichens.  
Leese T.A, al. et.  1978.  Elk Ecology.  
Boise National Forest.  1991.  Elk Creek Exclosure Research Natural Area.  
Idaho State University.  2011.  Eliminating Sagebrush on Arid, Semi-Arid Western Rangeland Increases Risk of Invasive Weed Invasion, Suggests Idaho State University Studies.  
Hall S.P, Legrand, Jr. H.E.  1989.  Element stewardship abstract for Sterna caspia (caspian tern).  
Ellis M., Hesseldenz T..  1986.  Element stewardship abstract for Salmo sp, Redband trout.  
Legrand, Jr. H.E, Hall S.P.  1989.  Element stewardship abstract for Regulus satrapa (golden-crowned kinglet).  
Conservancy TNature.  1992.  Element stewardship abstract for Polygonum cuspidatum (Japanese knotweed).  
Hall S.P, Legrand, Jr. H.E.  1989.  Element stewardship abstract for Phalacrocorax auritus floridanus (double-crested cormorant, Florida cormorant).  
Hall S.P, Legrand, Jr. H.E.  1989.  Element stewardship abstract for Parus atricapillus (black-bapped chickadee).  
Hall S.P, Legrand, Jr. H.E.  0.  Element stewardship abstract for Falco peregrinus (peregine falcon, duck hawk).  
Legrand, Jr. H.E, Hall S.P.  1989.  Element stewardship abstract for Contopus borealis (olive-sided flycatcher).  
Hall S.P, Legrand, Jr. H.E.  1989.  Element stewardship abstract for Botaurus lentiginosus (American bittern).  
Carter J..  1988.  Element stewardship abstract for Bartramia longicauda (upland sandpiper, formerly upland plover).  
Legrand, Jr. H.E, Hall S.P.  1989.  Element stewardship abstract for Aegolius acadicus (northern saw-whet owl).