Bibliography and Citations

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Fichter E.  1964.  The pallid bat in Idaho.  Tebiwa.  7:23-27.
Burkhardt W.J.  1994.  Paleoecological relationships of prehistoric Equus in the Intermountain West. An overview with implications for management of wild horses and burros.  
Grayson D.K.  1977.  Paleoclimatic implications of the Dirty Shame Rockshelter mammalian fauna.  Tebiwa.  9:1-26.
Lorain C..  1992.  Packet for Clearwater National Forest Sensitive Plant Training Session.  
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service.  1993.  Pacific yew final environmental impact statement.  
[Anonymous].  1991.  Pacific yew environmental impact statement.  
[Anonymous].  1992.  Pacific yew environmental impact statement.  
[Anonymous].  1992.  Pacific yew environmental impact statement.  
Adams M.J.  2003.  Pacific northwest region 2003 annual report.  
Schlosser W.E, Blatner K.A, Zamora B..  1992.  Pacific Northwest forest lands potential for floral greenery production.  Northwest Science.  66(1):44-55.
McCune B..  0.  Pacific Northwest epiphytic lichens: species codes.  
Hall F.C.  1998.  Pacific Northwest ecoclass codes for seral and potential natural communities.  
Luzier C.W, Schaller H.A, Brostrom J.K, Cook-Tabor C., Goodman D.H, Nelle R.D, Ostrand K., Streif B..  2011.  Pacific lamprey (Entosphenus tridentatus) assessment and template for conservation measures.    Available from
Johnson O.W.  1996.  The Pacific golden-plover (PLUVIALIS FULVA): discovery of the species and other historical notes.  Auk.  110:136-141.
Pacific Flyway Council.  2012.  Pacific Flyway Council recommendations, informational notes, and subcommittee reports.    Available from
Gill, Jr. R.E, Mewaldt L.R.  1983.  Pacific coast Caspian terns: dynamics of an expanding population.  Auk.  100:369-3810.
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1986.  Pacific bald eagle recovery plan.  
Bergeron D., Jones C., Genter D.L, Sullivan D..  1992.  P. D. Skaar's Montana bird distribution, fourth edition. No. 2.