Bibliography and Citations

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Nydegger NC, Johnson D.R.  1989.  Size and overlap of Townsend ground squirrel home ranges.  Great Basin Naturalist.  49(1):108-110.
Nussbaum R.A, Brodie, Jr. E.D, Storm R.M.  1983.  Amphibians and reptiles of the Pacific Northwest.
Nussbaum R.A.  Submitted.  Letter from R. A. Nussbaum to Jay Gore about Van Dyke's salamander.  Letter from R. A. Nussbaum to Jay Gore about Van Dyke's salamander..  
Nussbaum R.A.  1985.  Letter to Craig Groves, Idaho Natural Heritage Program, concerning rare herps and their distribution in Idaho.  
Nussbaum RA, Brodie, Jr. ED.  1971.  The taxonomic status of the rough-skinned newt, Taricha granulosa (Skilton), in the Rocky Mountains.  Herpetologica.  27(3):260-270.  Available from
Nussbaum R.A.  1985.  Letter to Jay Gore, USFWS, regarding Van Dyke's salamander.  
Null W..  2001.  Management plan for rare plants adjacent to a major highway in central Washington.  
NRCS-USDA.  0.  Wetland plant fact sheet.  
Noyes R.D, Rieseberg L.H.  1999.  ITS sequence data support a single origin for North American Astereae (Asteraceae) and reflect deep geographic divisions in Aster S.L.  American Journal of Botany.  86(3):398-412.
Nowierski R.M, Gittins A.R.  1976.  The horse flies and deer flies of Idaho.  
Novak S.J.  2002.  Letter to Jeffrey Foss, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Boise, Idaho regarding the listing of Lepidium papilliferum.  
Novak M..  1987.  Wild Furbearer Management and Conservation in North America.  
Novak S.J, Ott J.M, Deines L..  1999.  Allozyme data support a progenitor-derivative relationship between Allium simillimum (Alliaceae) and A. aaseae.  Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science.  35(1):11.
Nothnagle P..  1989.  Population estimates of Vermont populations of the cobblestone tiger beetle, Cicindela marginipennis.  
Noss R.F, Cooperrider A.Y.  1994.  Saving nature's legacy. Washington (D. C.): Island Press.  
Noss R.F.  1990.  Roads and wildlife: a partial bibliography.  
Noss RF, Carroll C, Vance-Borland K, Wuerthner G.  2002.  A multicriteria assessment of the irreplaceability and vulnerability of sites in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.  Conservation Biology.  16(4):895-908.  Available from
Noss RF, LaRoe, III ET, J. Scott M.  1995.  Endangered ecosystems of the United States: a preliminary assessment of loss and degradation.  Technical Report Series.    Available from
Noss R.  1988.  The natural areas movement.  Earth First! Journal.  (February 2, 1988):25-26.
Norton J.B, Monaco T.A, Norton J.M, Johnson D.A, Jones T.A.  2004.  Soil morphology and organic matter dynamics under cheatgrass and sagebrush-steppe plant communities.  Journal of Arid Environments.  57:445-466.