Bibliography and Citations

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Oldenburg L.E.  1992.  Bighorn sheep: Region 3, Nampa, Progress Report.  
Oldenburg L.E, Toweill D..  1995.  Six BLM 1:100,000 quads on which distributions of California bighorn sheep have been drawn.  
Old-Growth Definition Task Group.  1986.  Interim definitions for old-growth Douglas-fir and mixed-conifer forests in the Pacific Northwest and California.  
Old R.R, Laferriere J.E, Mastroguiseppe J.D.  1993.  Noteworthy collections: Asclepias incarnata L. (Asclepiadaceae).  Madroño.  40:135.
Oittinen V..  1967.  The distribution and ecology of Buxbaumia aphylla and B. viridis in Finland.  Annales Botanici Fennici.  4:81-86.
Ohmann JL, McComb WC, Zumrawi AAzim.  1994.  Snag abundance for primary cavity-nesting birds on nonfederal forest lands in Oregon and Washington.  Wildlife Society Bulletin.  22:607-620.
Ohio Department of Agriculture.  1942.  Weeds and weed seeds.  
Ogle D, Fink F, John LSt..  2009.  Technical Note 51: Threatened, endangered, candidate and proposed plant species of Idaho - October 2009.  :9pp.
Ogle D, John LSt., Tilley D, Fullen K.  2012.  Technical Note 51: Threatened, endangered, candidate and proposed plant species of Idaho - 2012 Revison.  :30pp.
Ogilvie-Grant W.R.  1897.  The plumed partridges, genus Oreortyx.
Ogden A..  1991.  Drainages inventoried by Idaho Department of Fish and Game: Spring 1991.  
Ogden VT, Hornocker MG.  1977.  Nesting density and success of prairie falcons in southwestern Idaho.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  41(1):1-11.
Office of the President.  2001.  Responsibilities of federal agencies to protect migratory birds.  
Office of Migratory Bird Management, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center.  1995.  Migratory nongame birds of management concern in the united states: the 1995 list.  
Office of Migratory Bird Management, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center.  1982.  Nongame migratory bird species with unstable or decreasing population trends in the United States.  
Oelklaus, III W.F.  1976.  Chukar partridge dispersion along the middle and lower Snake and Columbia Rivers.  
Oechsner M..  1993.  A table of goshawk nest site locations on the Targhee NF.  
Oechsner M.  1992.  Goshawks in Idaho.  
Oechsner M.  1995.  Printout of northern goshawk (Accipter gentilis) sightings on the Targhee National Forest, Teton Basin Ranger District, 1980-1994.  :Pages50-57.
Oechsner M..  1980.  Printout of great gray owl sightings on the Targhee National Forest, Teton Basin Ranger District, 1980-1993.  
Odum E.P, Kuenzler E.J.  1955.  Measurement of territory and home range size in birds.  Auk.  72:128-137.
Odegard C.  Submitted.  Professional background information.  Odegard, Craig..  
Odasz A.M.  1986.  Distributions of 40 rare vascular plants in the Alatna River drainage of the central Brooks Range, Alaska.  Northwest Science.  60(2):104-107.
Observatory IBird.  2017.  Long-billed Curlew survey data from 2006-2014.  
Obregón-Barboza H, Maeda-Martínez AM, Murugan G, Timms BV, Grygier MJ, D. Rogers C, Rodríguez-Almaraz G, Dumont HJ.  2007.  Morphology and systematic significance of the mystax, a hitherto undescribed cephalic structure of males in certain Notostraca (Branchiopoda).  Journal of Crustacean Biology.  27(1):18-23.