Bibliography and Citations

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Parks SA, McKelvey KS, Schwartz MK.  2013.  Effects of weighting schemes on the identification of wildlife corridors generated with least-cost methods.  Conservation Biology.  27(1):145–154.
Parker W.S., Pianka E.R..  1975.  Comparative ecology of populations of the lizard Uta stansburiana.  Copeia.  1975(4):615-632.
Parker JD, Burkepile DE, Hayt ME.  2006.  Opposing effects of native and exotic herbivores on plant invasions.  Science Magazine.  311:1459-1461.
Parker W.S., Brown W.S..  1972.  Telemetric study of movements and oviposition of two female MASTICOPHIS T. TAENIATUS.  Copeia.  1972:892-895.
Parker KE.  1986.  Common loon reproduction and chick feeeding on acidified lakes in the Adirondack Park, New York.  Canadian Journal of Zoology.  66(4):804-810.  Available from
Parker W.S., Brown W.S..  1980.  Comparative ecology of two colubrid snakes, MASTICOPHIS T. TAENIATUS and PITUOPHIS MELANOLEUCUS DESERTICOLA in northern Utah.  
Parker G.R, Maxwell J.W, Morton L.D, Smith G.EJ.  1983.  The ecology of the lynx (Lynx canadensis) on Cape Breton Island.  Canadian Journal of Zoology.  61(4):770-786.
Parker T..  1986.  Ecology of western redcedar groves.  :186pp..
Parker T., Scott M..  1990.  Bighorn sheep management plan, 1986-1990.  
Parker MS.  1991.  Relationship between cover availability and larval Pacific giant salamander density.  Journal of Herpetology.  25(3):355-357.  Available from
Parker T..  1986.  Ecology of western redcedar groves.  :186pp..
Parker T.L.  1970.  On the ecology of the sharp-tailed grouse in southeastern Idaho.  
Paris C.A.  1991.  Unpublished Adiantum manuscript for Flora of North America project.  Rhodora.  93(874):105-122.
Paris CA.  0.  Adiantum viridimontanum, a new maidenhair in eastern North America.  
Paris C.A, Windham M.D.  1988.  A biosystematic investigation of the Adiantum pedatum complex in eastern North America.  Systematic Botany.  13(2):240-255.
Paris C..  1990.  Unpublished Adiantum manuscript for Flora of North America project.  
Parfitt B.D, Brown G.K.  1982.  New vascular plant records for Arizona.  Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science.  16(3):96.
Parenti R.  Submitted.  Professional background information.  Parenti, Robert..  
Parenti B.  1990.  Memorandum to Bob Moseley, Idaho Natural Heritage Office, regarding petition to list Pacific yew as threatened species.  
Parenti B..  1984.  Letter from Bob Parenti to Bill Hagdorn, BLM, in response to Jarbidge Resource Management Plan and listing sites of Astragalus atratus var. inseptus, Lepidium davisii, Astragalus atratus var. owyheensis.  
Paragi T.F, Wholecheese G.M.  1994.  Marten, Martes americana, predation on a northern goshawk, Accipiter gentilis.  Canadian Field-Naturalist.  108(1):81-82.
Paragamian VL, Pyper BJ, Daigneault MJ, Beamesderfer RCP.  2008.  Population dynamics and extinction risk of burbot in the Kootenai River, Idaho, USA and British Columbia, Canada. American Fisheries Society Symposium.  59.   American Fisheries Society.   p. 213-234.  Available from
Paragamian V.L.  2012.  Kootenai River white sturgeon: synthesis of two decades of research.  Endangered Species Research.  17(2):157-167.  Available from
Paragamian V.L, Hansen M.J.  2011.  Stocking for rehabilitation of burbot in the Kootenai River, Idaho, USA and British Columbia, Canada.  Journal of Applied Ichthyology.  27(Suppl 1):22-26.  Available from
Paprocki N, Glenn NF, Atkinson EC, Strickler KM, Watson C, Heath JA.  2015.  Changing habitat use associated with distributional shifts of wintering raptors.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  79(3):402–412.