Bibliography and Citations

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Peck C.S.  1990.  Letter concerning the trumpeter swan population at Harriman State Park, accompanied by a memo from Ruth Shea.  
Peck C..  1992.  Rocky Mountain trumpeter swan update, February 24, 1992.  
Peck M.E.  1936.  Six new plants from Oregon.  Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington.  Vol. 49:109-112.
Peck SB.  1974.  Biology of the Idaho lava tube beetle, Glacicavicola.  NSS Bulletin.  36(1):1-3.  Available from
Peck M.E.  1911.  A hybrid quail.  Condor.  8(5):149-151.  Available from
Peck M.E.  1945.  Some interesting plants of Malheur County, Oregon.  Leaflets of Western Botany.  4:177-186.
Peck SB.  1973.  A review of the invertebrate fauna of volcanic caves in western North America.  Bulletin of the National Speleological Society.  35(4):99-107.  Available from
Peck J.E, Acker S.A, McKee W.A.  1995.  Autecology of mosses in coniferous forests in the central western Cascades of Oregon.  Northwest Science.  69:184-190.
Peck M.E.  1941.  A manual of the higher plants of Oregon.
Pechanec J.F.  1936.  The identification of grasses on the Upper Snake River Plains by their vegetative characters.  Ecology.  17(3):479-490.
Pearson AM.  1975.  The northern interior grizzly bear Ursus arctos L.  Canadian Wildlife Service Report Series.  
Pearson KJ, Goater CP.  2008.  Distribution of long-toed salamanders and introduced trout in high- and low-elevation wetlands in southwestern Alberta, Canada.  Ecoscience.  15(4):453-459.  Available from,
Pearson S.F, Manuwal D.A.  2000.  Influence of niche overlap and territoriality on hybridization between Hermit Warblers and Townsend's Warblers.  Auk.  117:175-183.
Pearson KJ.  2004.  The effects of introduced fish on the long-toed salamander (Ambystoma macrodactylum) in southwestern Alberta, Canada.  Department of Biology.  :76.  Available from
Pearson DL.  1988.  Biology of tiger beetles.  Annual Review of Entomology.  33:123-147.
Pearl CA, Adams MJ, R. Bury B, McCreary B.  2004.  Asymmetrical effects of introduced bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) on native ranid frogs in Oregon.  Copeia.  2004(1):11-20.  Available from
Peacock S.  2011.  Projected 21st century climate change for wolverine habitats within the contiguous United States.  Environmental Research Letters.  6(1):014007.  Available from
Peabody P.B..  1901.  Nesting habits of Leconte's Sparrow.  Auk.  18:129-134.
Paysen TE, R. Ansley J, Brown JK, Gottfried GJ, Haase SM, Harrington MG, Narog MG, Sackett SS, Wilson RC.  2000.  Fire in western shrubland, woodland, and grassland ecosystems. Wildland fire in ecosystems: effects of fire on flora.  Brown JK, Smith JKapler, editors. Ogden (UT): U. S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.   p. 121-159.  Available from
Payette National Forest, Weiser Ranger District.  Submitted.  No description.  Payette National Forest, Weiser Ranger District..  
Payette National Forest, New Meadows Ranger District.  Submitted.  No description.  Payette National Forest, New Meadows Ranger District..  
Payette National Forest, McCall Ranger District.  Submitted.  No description.  Payette National Forest, McCall Ranger District..  
Payette National Forest, Krassel Ranger District.  Submitted.  No description.  Payette National Forest, Krassel Ranger District..  
Payette National Forest, Council Ranger District.  Submitted.  No description.  Payette National Forest, Council Ranger District..  
Payette National Forest.  1979.  Map showing locations of endangered, threatened, and sensitive plants of Payette National Forest.