Bibliography and Citations

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Crawford J.A.  1994.  Research proposal: habitat use by mountain quail in eastern Oregon. Part 1. Distribution and taxonomy of mountain quail in eastern Oregon. Tasks, schedule, and budget.  
Crawford J, Pope M.  2000.  Mountain quail research: annual report 1999.  
Crawford K.M.  1991.  The winter environment of painted turtles, Chrysemys picta: temperature, dissolved oxygen, and potential cues for emergence.  Canadian Journal of Zoology.  69:2493-2498.
Crawford RCharles.  Submitted.  Professional background information.  Crawford, Rex..  
Crawford R.C.  1983.  Ecological reconnaissance summary of the Noble Ranch, Nez Perce County, Idaho.  
Crawford R..  1977.  Study plan for Phlox idahonis and the effect of fire.  
Crawford J.A.  1989.  Mountain quail in Oregon: special report.  
Crawford R.C.  1989.  National Natural Landmark theme study, phase III, ponderosa pine/deciduous shrub recommendation, Mary Minerva McCroskey Memorial State Park, Idaho. Unpublished report prepared for the U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service.  
Crawford J., Pope M..  1996.  Annual report: mountain quail research 1995.  
Crawford JA.  1978.  An albinistic mountain quail from Oregon.  Condor.  80(3):343-344.  Available from
Crawford R.C.  1980.  Permanent plot locations of Phlox idahonis [part of: Ecological investigations and management implications of six northern Idaho endemic plants on the proposed endangered and threatened lists. Moscow, ID: University of Idaho. . Thesis.  :200pp..
Crawford J., Pope M..  1994.  Science prospectus: habitat use by reintroduced mountain quail in eastern Oregon.  
Crawford R.  2011.  Ecological integrity assessment: northern Rocky Mountain mesic montane mixed conifer forest. Version 2.16.2011.  Ecological integrity assessments.    Available from
Crawford J.A.  1986.  Ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus): Section 4.1.1, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Wildlife Resources Management Manual.  
Crawford R.C.  1980.  Ecological investigations and management implications of six northern Idaho endemic plants on the proposed endangered and threatened lists.  :200pp..
Crawford J.A.  1980.  The quail of Oregon.  Oregon Wildlife.  June:3-7.
Crawford R.C.  1978.  Field notes-sketch maps of Cardamine constancei transects established in 1978.  
Crawford R..  1994.  Terrestrial invertebrate predators of the Columbia River Basin: an assessment.  
Crenshaw J.G, McClelland B.R.  1989.  Bald eagle use of a communal roost.  Wilson Bulletin.  101:626-633.
Crins W.J, Ball P.W.  1989.  Taxonomy of the Carex flava complex (Cyperaceae) in North America and northern Eurasia. II. Taxonomic treatment.  Canadian Journal of Botany.  67:1048-1065.
Crispens, Jr. C.G.  1960.  Mountain quail, Oreortyx picta (Douglas).  
Critchfield W.B, Allen G.L.  1969.  The distribution of Pinaceae in and near northern Nevada.  Madrono.  19:12-26.
Critchfield W.B.  1986.  Hybridization and classification of the white pines (Pinus section Strobus).  Taxon.  35(4):647-656.
Crocker-Bedford D.C.  1990.  Goshawk reproduction and forest management.  Wildlife Society Bulletin.  18(3):262-269.
Croft LK, Owen WR, J. Shelly S.  1997.  Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem management project analysis of vascular plants.