Bibliography and Citations

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Watkins L.C.  1977.  Euderma maculatum.  Mammalian Species.  77:1-4.
Watson JW.  1986.  Temporal fluctuations of rough-legged hawks during carrion abundance.  Journal of Raptor Research.  20(1):42-43.  Available from
Watson, Jr. T.J.  0.  Status report for Penstemon lemhiensis.  
Watson D.L., Dickemore R.D..  1991.  Snake River Activity/Operations Plan.  
Watson J.R.  1910.  The impaling instinct in shrikes.  Auk.  27:459.
Watson, Jr. T.J.  1976.  An evaluation of putatively threatened or endangered species from the Montana flora.  
Watson S..  1873.  New plants of Northern Arizona.  American Naturalist.  7:300.
Wauer RH.  1966.  Flammulated owl records following May storms in Zion Canyon, Utah.  Condor.  68(2):211.  Available from
Wearbee PB.  1991.  Calcareous habitats and their plant communities.  
Wears W.W.  1983.  Mountain quail: Oreortyx picta.
Weatherhead P.J..  1989.  Sex ratios, host-specific reproductive success, and impact of brown-headed cowbirds.  Auk.  106:358-366.
Weatherhead P.J..  1979.  Ecological correlates of monogamy in tundra-breeding Savannah Sparrows.  Auk.  96:391-401.
Weaver J..  1986.  Charting the course: the Forest Service Grizzly Bear Conservation Program.  
Weaver RA.  1986.  Status of desert bighorn sheep in the U. S. and current management programs. Transactions of the 51st North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference.  Washington (DC): The Wildlife Management Institute.   p. 41-44.
Weaver J..  1986.  Cumulative effects assessment involving grizzly Bears: a report to the Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee, December 1986.  
Weaver J..  1978.  The wolves of Yellowstone.  
Weaver J..  1993.  Lynx, wolverine, and fisher in the western United States: research assessment and agenda for the Interagency lynx-wolverine-fisher working group.  
Webb G.F.  1968.  The Ashmunellinae: sexological notes on Allogona.  Gastropodia.  1(7):70-72.
Webb G.F.  1980.  The slug Udosarx lyrata: additional data on distribution, anatomy, and taxonomy.  Gastropodia.  2(1):3,6,8-10,12plusfigures.
Webb G.F, Russell R.H.  1977.  Anatomical notes on a Magnipelta: Camaenidae? Systematic Botany Monographs.  1(10):107-108.
Webb G.F.  1970.  Sexological notes on Cryptomastix mullani (Bland and Cooper).  Gastropodia.  1(8):73-75,78(Pl.35,figs.13,14).
Webb G.F.  1970.  Fragmentary observations on sexology of Cryptomastix hendersoni Pilsbry and C. magnidentata Pilsbry and a new subgenus (Pulmonata, Polygryridae, Ashmunellinae).  Gastropodia.  1(8):77-78.
Webb DW, Gaimari SD, Hauser M, Holston KC, Metz MA, Irwin ME, Kampmeier GE, Algmin K.  2013.  An annotated catalogue of the New World Therevidae (Insecta: Diptera: Asiloidea).  Zootaxa.  3600(1):1-105.  Available from
Webb G.F.  1959.  Two new northwestern slugs, Udosarx lyrata and Gliabates oregonia.  Gastropodia.  1(3):22-25,28(figs.37,39).
Weber W.A.  1983.  New Names and Combinations, Principally In The Rocky Mountain.