Bibliography and Citations

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Copeland J.  2001.  Printout containing wolverine captures associated with Copeland's field work 1992-1995.  
Brigham Young University.  1996.  Printout detailing the Idaho bird specimens in the BYU Monte Bean collection.  
University of Idaho, Department of Biology.  0.  Printout detailing the UI Department of Biology bird collection.  
University of Utah, Museum of Natural History.  1996.  Printout detailing the University of Utah Museum of Natural History bird collection.  
Boise State University, Department of Biology.  Submitted.  Printout, Mammal specimen data - Idaho specimens.  Boise State University, Department of Biology. Mammal specimen data - Idaho specimens. Printout..  
Steenhof K..  1980.  Printout of 1980-1986 mid-winter bald eagle count results.  
Steenhof K..  1989.  Printout of 1987-1989 mid-winter bald eagle survey counts.  
Steenhof K..  1992.  Printout of 1990-1992 mid-winter bald eagle survey counts.  
Steenhof K..  1995.  Printout of 1993-1995 mid-winter bald eagle survey counts.  
RRTAC.  1986.  Printout of bald eagle nest territories, roosts and wintering areas along the Snake River and associated drainages.  
RRTAC.  0.  Printout of bald eagle wintering areas with EPA river reach numbers.  
Robinson C..  1970.  Printout of bird sightings, mainly but not exclusively from northern Idaho, mid-1970s to mid-1996.  
[Anonymous].  1993.  Printout of electronically distributed bibliography compiled from several individuals and regarding habitat fragmentation, edge effects, and wildlife corridors.  
Sands A.R.  1988.  Printout of ferruginous hawk, merlin, peregrine falcon, and bald eagle sightings and nest sites.  
Oechsner M..  1980.  Printout of great gray owl sightings on the Targhee National Forest, Teton Basin Ranger District, 1980-1993.  
Oechsner M.  1995.  Printout of northern goshawk (Accipter gentilis) sightings on the Targhee National Forest, Teton Basin Ranger District, 1980-1994.  :Pages50-57.
Compton B..  1995.  Printout of sharp-tailed grouse and sage grouse lek locations.  
Compton B..  1996.  Printout of sharp-tailed grouse and sage grouse lek locations.  
Sands A.R.  1987.  Printouts of ferruginous hawk sightings and nests and long-billed curlew sightings.  
Baumann R..  2005.  Printouts of two email messages and a PDF from Dr. Richard Baumann, BYU, containing information extracted from caddisfly and stonefly specimen labels.  
[Anonymous].  1996.  Priorities for conservation: 1996 annual report card for U.S. plant and animal species.  
Bowker M.A, Miller M.E, Belnap J., Sisk T.D, Johnson N.C.  2008.  Prioritizing conservation effort through the use of biological soil crusts as ecosystem function indicators in an arid region.  Conservation Biology.  22(6):1533-1543.
Rachlow J., Svancara L.K.  2006.  Prioritizing habitat for surveys of an uncommon mammal: a modeling approach applied to pygmy rabbits.  Journal of Mammalogy.  87(5):827-833.
Greater Yellowstone Conservation Data Center.  1995.  Priority species list for the Greater Yellowstone Conservation Data Center.  
Daly C, Taylor GH, Gibson WP.  1997.  The PRISM approach to mapping precipitation and temperature. Proceedings of the 10th AMS Conference on Applied Climatology, October 20–23, 1997.  Reno (NV): American Meteorological Society.   p. 10-12.