Bibliography and Citations

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Markow S..  1992.  Preliminary report on a general floristic survey of vascular plants of the Targhee National Forest.  
Meyer S.E, Quinney D..  1993.  A preliminary report on edaphic characteristics of Lepidium papilliferum microsites on the Orchard Training Area, Ada County, Idaho.  
Howard A., Munger J.C.  1999.  Preliminary report on impact of livestock grazing on spotted frogs in the Owyhee Mountains.  
Solem A., Clarke A.H.  1974.  Preliminary report to Dr. Marc C. Imlay, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, on the status of potentially endangered land snail species of the Salmon River Valley.  
Marcks BG.  1974.  Preliminary reports on the flora of Wisconsin No. 66. Cyperaceae II - sedge family II. The genus Cyperus - the umbrells sedges.  Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters.  62:261-284.
Patla S..  1991.  Preliminary results of 1991 surveys for great gray owls on the Dubois Ranger District, Targhee National Forest.  
Caicco S.L.  1988.  Preliminary results of an investigation into the life history and population dynamics of Calochortus nitidus Dougl. (Liliaceae).  
Douglass R., Snyder-Douglass K., Neilsen K..  1978.  A preliminary search for rare and endangered plant species in the Targhee National Forest during 1978.  
Geertson V..  1999.  Preliminary status report for Stanleya Confertiflora in Oregon.  
Heidel B..  1995.  Preliminary status report update for Silene spaldingii (Spalding's catchfly), a candidate threatened species.  
Egoscue H.J.  1956.  Preliminary studies of the kit fox in Utah.  Journal of Mammalogy.  37:351-357.
Lesica P..  1988.  A preliminary study of the pollination biology of Spalding's Catchfly in the Tobacco Valley, Lincoln County, Montana.  
Stephens G.M.  1994.  A preliminary survey of butterflies in western juniper communities, Final Report.  
Peterson SR.  1982.  A preliminary survey of forest bird communities in northern Idaho.  Northwest Science.  56(4):287-298.
Munger J.C, Peterson C..  1993.  A preliminary survey of the herpetofauna of Bruneau Resource Area, Boise District.  
Melquist W.E.  1985.  A preliminary survey to determine the status of grizzly bears (Ursus arctos horribilis) in the Clearwater National Forest of Idaho.  
[Anonymous].  1994.  A preliminary vegetation classification of the Western United States.  
Inglis I.R, Lazarus J., Torrance R..  1989.  The pre-nesting behavior and time budget of the harlequin duck Histrionicus histrionicus.  Wildfowl.  40:55-73.
Committee on Environment, Natural Resources.  1995.  Preparing for the future through science and technology.  
[Anonymous].  1990.  Preparing to manage wilderness in the 21st century: Proceedings of the conference; 1990 April 4-6; Athens, GA.  
Bunting S.C.  2003.  Preproposal: Effects of livestock trampling on Lepidium papilliferum and slickspot composition in southern Idaho.  
Serr K.L, Schwab S.M, O'Connell M.A.  2002.  Prescribed burns, truffles, and small mammals in dry ponderosa pine forests of eastern Washington.
Frost R.A, Launchbaugh K.L.  2003.  Prescription grazing for rangeland weed management, a new look at an old tool.  Rangelands.  25(6):43-47.
Beck.J.  1998.  Presence and relative abundance of amphibians and reptiles in the C. J. Strike study area.  
Teisberg J.  2022.  Presence of grizzly bears in the Selkirk Mountains of Idaho from 2009 - 2021 [Excel spreadsheet].