Bibliography and Citations

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Kerekes J.J.  1989.  Possible correlation of summer loon population with the trophic state of a water body (aquatic birds as trophic indicators of water bodies).
Applegate R.D.  1977.  Possible ecological role of food caches of loggerhead shrike.  Auk.  94:391-392.
Schorzman K, Baldwin J, Bokor J.  2009.  Possible sources of nitrate to the springs of southern Gooding County, eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho.    Available from
LaBonte JR.  1995.  Possible threatened or endangered terrestrial predaceous Coleoptera of the Columbia River Basin.    Available from
C. Guscio G, Hossack BR, Eby LA, Corn PStephen.  2008.  Post-breeding habitat use by adult boreal toads (Bufo boreas) after wildfire in Glacier National Park, USA.  Herpetological Conservation and Biology.  3(1):55-62.  Available from,
Bull EL, Hayes MP.  2001.  Post-breeding season movements of Columbia spotted frogs (Rana luteiventris) in northeastern Oregon.  Western North American Naturalist.  61(1):119-123.  Available from
Knapp PA, Soulé PT, Grissino-Mayer HD.  2001.  Post-drought growth responses of western juniper (Juniperus occidentalis var. occidentalis) in central Oregon.  Geophysical Research Letters.  28(13):2657-2660.  Available from
Akinsoji A..  1988.  Postfire vegetation dynamics in a sagebrush steppe in southeastern Idaho, USA.  Vegetatio.  78:151-155.
King R.A, Belthoff JR.  2001.  Post-fledging dispersal of burrowing owls in southwestern Idaho: characterization of movements and use of satellite burrows.  Condor.  103(1):118-126.  Available from
Hansen H.P.  1947.  Postglacial forest succession, climate and chronology in the Pacific Northwest.  Transactions of the American Philosophical Society.  37:1-130.
Green DM, Sharbel TF, Kearsley J, Kaiser H.  1996.  Postglacial range fluctuation, genetic subdivision and speciation in the western North American spotted frog complex, Rana pretiosa.  Evolution.  50(1):374-390.  Available from
Ulmschneider H..  1990.  Post-nesting ecology of the long-eared owl (Asio otus) in southwestern Idaho.  :106pp..
Hansen H.P.  1943.  Post-Pleistocene forest succession in northern Idaho.  American Midland Naturalist.  30(3):796-802.
Lorain C.C.  1989.  Pot Mountain roadless area sensitive plant survey and evaluation.  
Lawes TJ.  2009.  Potential barriers to movements and habitat selection of pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis) after experimental translocation.  Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Wildlife Science Program.  :115.  Available from
Ratti J.T, Black R.A, Scott J.M.  1991.  Potential impact of climatological change on the distribution of endemic plants and animals of the Pacific Northwest.  
Gonzalez P, Neilson RP, McKelvey KS, Lenihan JM, Drapek RJ.  2007.  Potential impacts of climate change on habitat and conservation priority areas for Lynx canadensis (Canada lynx).    Available from
Ratti J.T, Black R.A, Scott J.M, Acker S.A.  1991.  Potential impacts of climatological change on the distribution of endemic plants and animals of the Pacific Northwest.  
Pocewicz A, Copeland H, Kiesecker J.  2011.  Potential impacts of energy development on shrublands in western North America.  Natural Resources and Environmental Issues.  17(1)  Available from
Huenneke L.F, Thompson. J.K.  1995.  Potential interference between a threatened endemic thistle and an invasive nonnative plant.  Conservation Biology.  9(2):416-425.
Brown D.E.  1973.  Potential of mountain quail to adapt to the montane conifer forest and interior chaparral in Arizona.  
Boise City Heritage Preservation Committee.  1993.  Potential public preservation sites.  
Frank E.C, Lee R..  0.  Potential solar beam irradiation on slopes - tables for 30 degrees to 50 degrees latitude.  
Knudsen GR, Dixon RD, Amelon SK.  2013.  Potential spread of white-nose syndrome of bats to the Northwest: epidemiological considerations.  Northwest Science.  87(4):292-306.
Robichaud L., Catling P.M.  2003.  Potential value of first glume length in differentiating native and alien races of common reed, Phragmites australis.  Botanical Electronic News.  #310