Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Heekin P.E, Reese K.P, Zager P..  1996.  Fall/winter mountain quail ecology: mountain quail fall and winter habitat use, food habits, movements, and population characteristics in north-central Idaho.  
Heekin P.E, Reese K.P, Zager P..  1998.  Fall/winter mountain quail ecology: mountain quail fall and winter habitat use, food habits, movements, and population characteristics in north-central Idaho.  
Krapu G.L., Iverson G.C., Reinecke K.J., Boise C.M.  1985.  Fat deposition and usage by arctic-nesting sandhill cranes during spring.  
Hinz D., Gifford D., Rascoe T..  1996.  Feasibility study on mountain quail trapping.  
Williams R.M.  1963.  Federal aid in wildlife restoration final segment report, Trapping and Transplanting. Part 1 - Fisher, August 15, 1962 to August 15, 1963.  
Williams R.M.  1962.  Federal aid in wildlife retoration completion report for trapping and transplanting project, fisher transplant segment, August 1, 1961 to June 30, 1962.  
Otter C.L.  2012.  Federal alternative of Governor C.L. "Butch" Otter for greater sage-grouse management in Idaho. September 5, 2012, Version.    Available from
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1995.  Federal and state endangered species expenditures: fiscal year 1993.  
Fraser G..  1993.  Feeding ecology and nesting success of Forster's terns on Lake Osakis, Minnesota.  
Smith G, Lemly J, Schroder K.  2017.  Fen Mapping for the Salmon-Challis National Forest.    Available from
Bursik R.J.  1992.  Fen vegetation and rare plant population monitoring forms from Cow Creek Meadows and Smith Creek Research Natural Area, Selkirk Mountains, Idaho.  
Bursik R.J.  1992.  Fen vegetation species composition and percent cover field data from Hager Lake.  
Bechard M.J.  1985.  Ferruginous hawk banding records from 1985 survey.  
Bradley A..  1986.  Festuca idahoensis.  
Neitlich P, Rosentreter R.  2000.  FHM lichen communities indicator results from Idaho, 1996: Forest Health Monitoring Program - Detection Monitoring.  
Mancuso M., Moseley R.K.  1992.  Field and herbarium investigations of two sensitive species on the Boise National Forest: Cryptantha simulans (pine woods cryptanth) and Stipa viridula (green needlegrass).  
Miller JJ, C. Kinter L.  2019.  Field Assessment of Lepidium papilliferum (Slickspot Peppergrass) Element Occurrences: Jarbidge Geographic Area.  
C. Kinter L, Miller JJ.  2020.  Field Assessment of Sensitive Plant Occurrences at Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve.  
Palouse Audubon Society.  0.  Field checklist: birds of the Palouse region.  
Elzinga C..  1988.  Field data reports for rare plants, resulting from field work for the Salmon District BLM, summer 1988.  
U. S. Forest Service.  2005.  Field data sheets, spreadsheets, and email correspondence pertaining to Forest Service 2005 bat surveys on the Clearwater NF, Palouse RD; and Nez Perce NF, Salmon River RD.  
Atwood D..  1989.  Field form for new location of Phacelia inconspicua.  
Blake J..  1988.  A field guide to BLM Sensitive Plants and other rare plants of northern Idaho, editorial draft.  
Hagle S.K, Tunnock S., Gibson K.E, Gilligan C.J.  1987.  Field guide to diseases and insect pests of Idaho and Montana forests.  
Patterson P.A, Neiman K.E, Tonn J.R.  1985.  Field guide to forest plants of northern Idaho.