Bibliography and Citations

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Jain T, Juillerat M, Sandquist J, Ford M, Sauer B, Mitchell R, McAvoy S, Hanley J, David J.  2007.  Photographic handbook for comparing burned and unburned sites within a dry forested and grassland mosiac: a tool for communication, calibration, and monitoring post-fire effects. General Technical Report.  RMRS-GTR-197.  Fort Collins (CO): Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.  
Peterson CR, Fabian HJ.  1997.  Photographic identification cards for Idaho amphibians.    Available from
Hough R.A.  1974.  Photorespiration and productivity in submersed aquatic vascular plants.  Limnology and Oceanography.  19(6):912-927.
Beer S., Wetzel R.G.  1982.  Photosynthesis in submersed macrophytes of a temperate lake.  Plant Physiology.  70(2):488-492.
Riebesell J.F.  1981.  Photpsynthetic adaptations in bog and alpine populations of Ledum groenlandicum.  Ecology.  62(3):579-586.
Livezey B.C.  1991.  A phylogenetic analysis and classification of recent dabbling ducks (tribe Anatini) based on comparative morphology.  Auk.  108:471-507.
Livezey B.C.  1986.  A phylogenetic analysis of recent Anseriform genera using morphological characterss.  Auk.  103:737-754.
Decker D.M, Wozencraft W.C.  1991.  Phylogenetic analysis of recent procyonid genera. Journal of Mammalogy.  Journal of Mammalogy.  72:42-55.
McEachran J.D, Dunn K.A.  1998.  Phylogenetic analysis of skates, a morphologically conservative clade of elasmobranchs (Chondrichthys: Rajidae).  Copeia.  1998:271-290.
Pezold F..  2004.  Phylogenetic analysis of the genus Gobionellus (Teleostei: Gobiidae).  Copeia.  2004:260-280.
Reeder T.W, Montanucci R.R.  2001.  Phylogenetic analysis of the horned lizards (Phrynosomatidae: PHRYNOSOMA): evidence from mitochondrial DNA and morphology.  Copeia.  2001:309-323.
Campbell DC, Clark SA, Lydeard C.  2017.  Phylogenetic analysis of the Lancinae (Gastropoda, Lymnaeidae) with a description of the U.S. federally endangered Banbury Springs lanx.  ZooKeys.  (663):107-132.  Available from
Campbell DC, Clark SA, Lydeard C.  2017.  Phylogenetic analysis of the Lancinae (Gastropoda, Lymnaeidae) with a description of the U.S. federally endangered Banbury Springs lanx.  ZooKeys.  663:107–132.
Porter J.M, Johnson L.A.  2000.  A phylogenetic classification of Polemonianceae.  Aliso.  19(1):55-91.
Demboski J.R, Cook J.A.  2003.  Phylogenetic diversification within the Sorex cinereus group (Soricidae).  Journal of Mammalogy.  84:144-158.
Demboski J.R, Cook J.A.  2003.  Phylogenetic diversification within the Sorex cinereus group (Soricidae).  Journal of Mammalogy.  84:144-158.
Onorato D.P, Hellgren E.C, Van Den Bussche R.A, Doan-Crider D.L.  2004.  Phylogenetic patterns within a metapopulation of black bears (Ursus americanus) in the American Southwest.  Journal of Mammalogy.  85:140-147.
Smith JF, Stillman AJ, Larson SR, C. Culumber M, Robertson IC, Novak SJ.  2009.  Phylogenetic relationships among Lepidium papilliferum (L. Henderson) A. Nels. & J. F. Macbr., L. montanum Nutt., and L. davisii Rollins (Brassicaceae).  Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society.  136(2):149-163.
Broughton R.E, Gold J.R.  2000.  Phylogenetic relationships in the North American cyprinid genus CYPRINELLA (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae) based on sequences of the mitochondrial ND2 and ND4L genes.  Copeia.  2000:1-10.
Lovejoy N.R, Collette B.B.  2001.  Phylogenetic relationships of New World needlefishes (Teleostei: Belonidae) and the biogeography of transitions between marine and freshwater habitats.  Copeia.  2001:324-338.
Oyama R.K, Baum D.A.  2004.  Phylogenetic relationships of North American Antirrhinum (Veronicaceae).  American Journal of Botany.  91:918-925.
Theimer T.C, Keim P..  Submitted.  Phylogenetic relationships of peccaries based on mitochondrial cytochrome b DNA sequences.  Journal of Mammalogy.  79:566-572.
Hoofer S.R, Van Den Bussche R.A.  2001.  Phylogenetic relationships of plecotine bats and allies based on mitochondrial ribosomal sequences.  Journal of Mammalogy.  82:131-137.
Mayden R.L, Rainboth W.J, Buth D.G.  1991.  Phylogenetic systematics of the cyprinid genera MYLOPHARODON and PTYCHOCHEILUS: comparative morphometry.  Copeia.  1991:819-834.
Silveira MA, Simpson MG.  2013.  Phylogenetic Systematics of the Mesa Mints: Pogogyne (Lamiaceae).  Systematic Botany, published by American Society of Plant Taxonomists.  38(3):782-794.  Available from