Bibliography and Citations

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Levin G.A.  1993.  Noteworthy collections: Cephalanthera austinae (A. Gray) A. A. Heller (syn. Eburophyton austinae (A. Gray) A. A. Heller) (Orchidaceae).  Madrono.  40:133-134.
Shelly J.S, Mantas M..  1993.  Noteworthy collections: Halimolobos perplexia, Haplopappus aberrans, and Lycopodium inundatum.  Madrono.  40:272-273.
McCune B..  1982.  Noteworthy collections: Howellia aquatilis Gray (Campanulaceae).  Madrono.  29:123-124.
Brunsfeld S., Caicco S., Henderson D.M.  1983.  Noteworthy collections. Idaho.  Madroño.  30:64.
Schaack C.G, Henderson D.M.  1988.  Noteworthy collections: Idaho.  Madrono.  35:354-355.
Johnson N.K, Brunsfeld S.J.  1983.  Noteworthy collections: Idaho.  Madrono.  30:259..
Cholewa A.F, Henderson D.M.  1983.  Noteworthy collections: Idaho.  Madrono.  30:63-64.
Henderson DM, Brunsfeld S, Brunsfeld P.  1981.  Noteworthy collections. Idaho.  Madroño.  28(2):88-90.
Taylor DM, Clifton GL.  1993.  Noteworthy collections: Kobresia bellardii (All.) Degland (Cyperaceae).  Madrono.  40(1):66.
Lackschewitz K., Lesica P., Shelly J.S.  1988.  Noteworthy collections: Montana.  Madroño.  35:355-358.
Lackschewitz K., Henderson D.M, Brunsfeld S.J.  1983.  Noteworthy collections: Montana, Idaho.  Madrono.  30:64-65.
Tiehm A..  1984.  Noteworthy collections: Nevada.  Madrono.  31(2):123-125.
Zika PF, Kuykendall K, Wilson B.  2000.  Noteworthy collections. Oregon.  Madroño.  47(2):144-145.
Meinke RJ, Leary PJ, Kierstead J.  1986.  Noteworthy collections: Oregon.  Madrono.  33(3):228-230.
Christy JA.  1994.  Noteworthy collections - Oregon.  Madrono.  41:331.
Wagner D.H.  1991.  Noteworthy collections - Oregon.  Madrono.  38:145-146.
Moseley R.K.  1994.  Noteworthy Collections: Piptatherum micranthum.  Madrono.  41:149.
Popovich S.J.  1994.  Noteworthy collections: Sporobolus asper.  Madrono.  41:149-150.
Evert E.F, Dorn R.D, Hartman R.L, Lichvar R.W.  1986.  Noteworthy collections: Wyoming.  Madrono.  33:313-315.
Lelong MG.  1988.  Noteworthy monocots of Mobile and Baldwin Counties, Alabama.  Sida.  13(1):101-113.
Cronquist A..  1943.  Noteworthy plants from Idaho. II.  Madrono.  7:77-82.
Hitchcock C.L, Thompson J.W.  1945.  Noteworthy plants of Idaho.  Leaflets of Western Botany.  4(8):197-206.
Kuc M..  1974.  Noteworthy vascular plants collected in southwestern Banks Island, N.W.T..  Arctic.  27(2):145-150.
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2002.  Notice of availability of a draft recovery plan for the northern Idaho ground squirrel (Spermophilus brunneus brunneus), for review and comment.  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Marine Fisheries Service.  1994.  Notice of availability of draft guidance for candidate species under the endangered species act for review and comment.  National Register.  59:3pp..  Available from