Bibliography and Citations

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Shea R..  1994.  Notebook with trumpeter swan survey data and maps (BLM 1:250,000) showing trumpeter swan wintering areas in eastern and southern Idaho.  
Brink V.C.  1954.  Notes and comment: survival of plants under flood in the lower Fraser River valley, British Columbia.  Ecology.  35(1):94-95.
Hosner J.F.  1958.  Notes and comment: the effects of complete innundation upon seedlings of six bottomland tree species.  Ecology.  39(2):371-374.
Smith SD.  1971.  Notes and new species of limnephilid caddisflies from Idaho (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae).  Pan-Pacific Entomologist.  47(3):184-188.
Toren D., Sigal L.L.  1974.  Notes and news: New distribution records of mosses in California.  Madrono.  22:311.
Henderson D.M.  1978.  Notes and News. Notes on the flora of east-central Idaho.  Madrono.  25:172-174.
Lewis L..  1997.  Notes compiled by Lyle Lewis, BLM, pertaining to lynx kills and persons who might know about lynx kills.  
Geertson V..  2002.  Notes compiled by Valerie Geertson for Stanleya confertiflora meeting, March 8, 2002.
Bowles J.H.  1911.  Notes extending the range of certain birds on the Pacific Slope.  Auk.  28:169-178.
Groves C..  1989.  Notes for sighting of Harlequin duck hen and ducklings by Bill McPhearson and Bud McConnahey.  
Heekin T..  1993.  Notes from a phone conversation regarding mountain quail biology and ecology.  
Mech S..  1993.  Notes from a phone conversation with Mark Perkins, regarding Townsend's big-eared bat.  
Johnson D..  0.  Notes from Don Johnson which Earl Larrison and Johnson used when writing the wolverine account in their book Mammals of Idaho.  
Heron W..  1990.  Notes from field trip 6/24/90 made by the Five-Valley Audubon Society to find Mertensia bella.  
Groves C..  1985.  Notes from joint Canada-U.S. meeting (6/7/85) on caribou management held in Creston, British Columbia.
Cochrane A..  2007.  Notes from June 26, 2007, meeting and field tour for for Salmon twin bladderpod (Physaria didymocarpa lyrata), Lemhi County, Idaho.  
Moseley B..  1989.  Notes from phone conversation with Duane Atwood resulting in two Penstemon idahoensis EOs.  
DeBolt A..  1989.  Notes from search of the Shoshone District BLM herbarium, transcribed July 1989.  
Bernatas S..  1988.  Notes from telephone conversations with T. Parker, H. Roberts, J. Conley, S. Gregory, and Mike Scott.  
Fassett N.C.  1935.  Notes from the Herbarium of the University of Wisconsin - XII. A study of Steptopus.  Rhodora.  37:88-113.
Bowler P.A.  1991.  Notes on a site visit to the Indian Bathtub, Hot Creek and the adjacent Bruneau River on August 13, 1989.
Brunsfeld S.J, Johnson F.D.  1986.  Notes on Betula ser. Humiles (Betulaceae) in Idaho.  Madrono.  33:147-148.
Merrill J.C.  1897.  Notes on birds of Fort Sherman, Idaho.  Auk.  14(4):347-357.  Available from
Merrill J.C.  1898.  Notes on birds of Fort Sherman, Idaho.  Auk.  15:14-22.
McClymont J.W.  1950.  Notes on Buxbaumia.  Bryologist.  53:276-277.