Bibliography and Citations

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A. Leopold S, Gutiérrez RJ, Bronson MT.  1981.  Mountain quail [subsection]. North American game birds and mammals.  New York (NY): Charles Scribner's Sons.   p. 48-49.
Leopold A.S.  1972.  Mountain quail.
Leopold L.B.  1962.  Conservation networks, Part B: a national network of hydrologic bench marks.  Geological Survey Circular.  460-B:4pp..
Leopold A.S.  1977.  The California quail.
Lepidoperists' Society.  2019.  The 2019 Lepidopterists' Society Season Summary database hosted by SCAN (Symbiota Collections of Arthropods Network).    Available from
Leppert L..  2001.  Report of bat survey of Idaho Bird Observatory Lucky Peak Idaho.  
Leptich D.J.  1994.  Agricultural development and its influence on raptors in southern Idaho.  Northwest Science.  68(3):167-171.
Les D.H, Reinartz J.A, Esselman E.J.  1991.  Genetic consequences of rarity in Aster furcatus (Asteraceae), a threatened, self-incompatible plant.  Evolution.  45(7):1641-1650.
Lesher R.D, Rosentreter R., Christy J..  1994.  The role of fungi, lichens, and bryophytes in the development of management alternatives for federal lands in the Pacific Northwest, Abstract.  Northwest Science.  68(2):97.
Lesica P., Husby P..  2001.  Field guide to Montana's wetland vascular plants, a non-technical key to the genera with keys to the species of sedges and rushes.  
Lesica P..  1990.  Habitat requirements, germination behavior and seed bank dynamics of Howellia aquatilis in the Swan Valley, Montana.  
Lesica P..  1992.  Autecology of the endangered plant Howellia aquatilis; implications for management and reserve design.  Ecological Applications.  2(4):411-421.
Lesica P..  1993.  Loss of fitness resulting from pollinator exclusion in Silene spaldingii (Caryophyllaceae).  Madrono.  40(4):193-201.
Lesica P., Shelly J.S.  1991.  Sensitive, threatened and endangered vascular plants of Montana.  
Lesica P..  2007.  Causes and consequences of prolonged dormancy for an iteroparous geophyte, Silene spaldingii.  Journal of Ecology.  95(1360-1369):1360-1369.
Lesica P.  Submitted.  Professional background information.  Lesica, Peter..  
Lesica P., Steele B.M.  1994.  Prolonged dormancy in vascular plants and implications for monitoring studies.  Natural Areas Journal.  14:209-212.
Lesica P..  1999.  Effects of fire on the demography of the endangered, geophytic herb Silene spaldingii (Caryophyllaceae).  American Journal of Botany.  86(7):996-1002.
Lesica P..  1988.  Germination requirements and seedling biology of Spalding's Catchfly (Silene spaldingii).  
Lesica P., Shelly S.J.  1988.  The ecology of Arabis fecunda: long-term monitoring, knapweed removal, and soil crust ecology studies.  
Lesica P., Elliott J.C.  1989.  1988 monitoring study of Bitterroot Milkvetch populations in Lemhi County, Idaho.  
Lesica P.  2012.  Manual of Montana Vascular Plants. Fort Worth (Texas): Botanical Research Institute of Texas.  
Lesica P., Elliott J.C.  1987.  Distribution, age structure, and predation of Bitterroot milkvetch populations in Lemhi County, Idaho.  
Lesica P., Desanto J..  1993.  New vascular plant records and the increase of exotic plants in Glacier National Park, Montana.  Madrono.  40(2):126-131.
Lesica P..  1985.  Report on the conservation status of Arabis fecunda, a potential candidate species.