Bibliography and Citations

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Johnson C.A.  1995.  MacFarlane's four-o'clock (Mirabilis macfarlanei). Unpublished draft report.  
Johnson S.R.  1995.  Immigration in a small population of Snow Geese.  Auk.  112:731-736.
Johnson C..  1989.  Mountain quail summary report.  
Johnson F.D.  1968.  Taxonomy and distribution of northwestern alders.
Johnson N.K, Brunsfeld S.J.  1983.  Noteworthy collections: Idaho.  Madrono.  30:259..
Johnson N.K, Zink R.M.  1983.  Speciation in sapsuckers (SPHYRAPICUS): I. Genetic differentiation.  Auk.  100:871-884.
Johnson N.K.  1976.  Breeding distribution of Nashville and Virginia's warblers.  Auk.  93:219-230.
Johnson N.K.  1966.  Morphologic stability versus adaptive variation in the Hammond's flycatcher.  Auk.  83:179-200.
Johnson K.  1981.  Social organization in a colony of rock squirrels (Spermophilus variegatus, Sciuridae).  Southwestern Naturalist.  26(3):237-242.
Johnson N.K, Crawford R.C.  1978.  Ecology and distribution of six species of sensitive plants of northern Idaho: Clearwater Basin sensitive plants study.  
Johnson C.A.  0.  An endangered plant's (Mirabilis macfarlanei) response to cattle grazing and protection from grazing, and other ecological effects.  Johnson, C. A. No date. An endangered plant's (Mirabilis macfarlanei) response to cattle grazing and protection from grazing, and other ecological effects. Bureau of Land Management, Coeur d'Alene District, Cottonwood, ID. 31 pp..  
Johnson, Jr CG.  1998.  Vegetation response after wildfires in national forests of northeastern Oregon.  Technical Paper.  
Johnson ML, Cheney PW.  1953.  Synatomys [Synaptomys] in Idaho and northeastern Washington.  Murrelet.  34(1):10.  Available from
Johnson G..  1992.  Selkirk mountains grizzly bear enforcement, public relations and education project: November 1991 - November 1992.  
Johnson D.R, Smith G.W, Olson R.M.  1976.  Population ecology and habitat requirements of Townsend ground squirrels.  
Johnson DW.  1949.  Populations and distribution of summer birds of Latah County, Idaho.  Condor.  51(3):140-149.  Available from
Johnson F.D.  1973.  Synopsis of the vegetation of the Beaver - Isabella - Butte Creek stretch of the North Fork Clearwater River.  
Johnson D..  0.  Notes from Don Johnson which Earl Larrison and Johnson used when writing the wolverine account in their book Mammals of Idaho.  
Johnson nK.  1995.  Speciation in vireos. I. macrographic patterns of allozymic variation in the Vireo solitarius complex in the contiguous United States.  Condor.  97:903-919.
Johnson N.K, Mattson D.J.  1978.  A survey of sensitive plants of the Snake River corridor, Hells Canyon National Recreation Area.  
Johnson PTJ, Sutherland DR.  2003.  Amphibian deformities and Ribeiroia infection: an emerging helminthiasis.  Trends in Parasitology.  19(8):332-335.  Available from
Johnson F.D.  1968.  Disjunct populations of red alder in Idaho.
Johnson C..  1988.  Proposed experimental Macfarlane's Four-O'Clock (Mirabilis macfarlanei) planting.  
Johnson MJ, Hatten JR, Holmes JA, Shafroth PB.  2012.  Development of a GIS-based model of yellow-billed cuckoo breeding habitat within the Lower Colorado River Multi-Species Conservation Area, San Pedro River and Verde River, AZ.    Available from
Johnson C.G, Nickerson L.A, Bechard M.J.  1987.  Grasshopper consumption and summer flocks of nonbreeding Swainson's hawks.  Condor.  89(3):676-678.  Available from