Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Journal Article
Hamrick J.L, Linhart Y.B, Mitton J.B.  1979.  Relationships between life history characteristics and electrophoretically detectable genetic variation in plants.  Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics.  10:173-200.
Glime J.M, Hong W.S.  1997.  Relationships of geothermal bryophyte communities to soil characteristics at Thermal Meadow, Hotsprings Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, Canada.  Journal of Bryology.  19:435-448.
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Murdock J.R., Rickard W.H..  1956.  The relationships of soil moisture and temperature among certain grassland associations of southeastern Washington.  Northwest Science.  30:99-103.
Sibley C.G., Ahlquist J.E..  1984.  The relationships of the starlings (Sturnidae: Sturnini) and the mockingbirds (Sturnidae: Mimini).  Auk.  101:230-243.
Hayward G., Hayward. P.H.  1995.  Relative abundance and habitat associations of small mammals in Chamberlain Basin, central Idaho.  Northwest Science.  69(2):114-125.
Scrivner JH, Smith H.D.  1984.  Relative abundance of small mammals in four successional stages of spruce-fir forest in Idaho.  Northwest Science.  58(3):171-176.  Available from
Case MJ, Lawler JJ, Tomasevic JA.  2015.  Relative sensitivity to climate change of species in northwestern North America.  Biological Conservation.  187(2015):127–133.
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Reed J.M.  1995.  Relative vulnerability to extirpation of montane breeding birds in the Great Basin.  Great Basin Naturalist.  55(4):342-351.
Taylor D.W.  1966.  A remarkable snail fauna from Coahuila, Mexico.  Veliger.  9:152-228.
Jahns H.M.  1970.  Remarks on the taxonomy of the European and North American species of Pilophorus Th. Fr..  Lichenologist.  4:199-213.
Allen B.H.  1986.  Remember rangeland reference areas? Rangelands.  8(4):180-182.
Connelly J.W, Fischer R.A, Apa A.D, Reese K.P, Wakkinen W.L..  1993.  Renesting by sage grouse in southeastern Idaho.  Condor.  95:1041-1043.
J. Ligon D, Stacey PB, Conner RN, Bock CE, Adkisson CS.  1986.  Report of the American Onithologists' Union Committee for the Conservation of the Red-cockaded Woodpecker.  Auk.  103(4):848-855.  Available from
Lynch D.W.  1968.  Report of the committee on natural areas.  Journal of Forestry.  66(1):notpaged.
Christensen N.L, al. et.  1996.  The report of the ecological society of America committee on the scientific basis for ecosystem management.  Ecological Applications.  6(3):665-691.
Gross K.L.  1996.  Report of the ESA ad hoc committee on the future of long-term ecological data (FLED).  Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America.  77(4):192-196.
Holzinger J.M.  1895.  Report on a collection of plants made by J.H. Sandberg and assistants in northern Idaho, in the year 1892.  Contributions of the U.S. National Herbarium.  3(4):205-287.
Koponen T..  1971.  A report on Rhizomnium (Mniaceae) in Japan.  Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory.  34:365-390.
Bull E.L, Henjum M.G, Rohweder R.S.  1989.  Reproduction and mortality of great gray owls in Oregon (Proof of forthcoming article).  Northwest Science.  63(1):38-43.
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Longton R.E.  1992.  Reproduction and rarity in British mosses.  Biological Conservation.  59:89-98.
Wright PL, Rausch R.  1955.  Reproduction in the wolverine, Gulo gulo.  Journal of Mammalogy.  36 (3):p.346-355.
Wright P.L, Rausch R..  Submitted.  Reproduction in the wolverine, Gulo gulo.  Journal of Mammalogy.  36(3):346-355.