Bibliography and Citations

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Platz J.E, Forester D.C.  1988.  Geographic variation in mating call among the four subspecies of the chorus frog: PSEUDACRIS TRISERIATA (Wied).  Copeia.  1988:1062-1066.
Carraway LN, Verts B.J.  2002.  Geographic variation in pelage color of piñon mice (Peromyscus truei) in the northern Great Basin and environs.  Western North American Naturalist.  62(4):458-465.  Available from
Findley J.S, Traut G.L.  Submitted.  Geographic variation in PIPISTRELLUS HESPERUS.  Journal of Mammalogy.  51:741-765.
Murray G.A.  1976.  Geographic variation in the clutch sizes of seven owl species.  Auk.  93:602-613.
Dickerman R.W.  1990.  Geographic variation in the juvenal plumage of the common nighthawk (CHORDEILES MINOR) in North America.  Auk.  107:610-613.
Sedgwick J.A.  2001.  Geographic variation in the song of Willow Flycatchers: differentiation between EMPIDONAX TRAILLII ADASTUS and E. T. EXTIMUS.  Auk.  118:366-379.
Banks RC.  1988.  Geographic variation in the yellow-billed cuckoo.  Condor.  90(2):473-477.  Available from
[Anonymous].  1994.  Geographical and seasonal patterns of clutch size variation in House Wrens.  Auk.  111:545-555.
Raymond M., Dansereau P..  1953.  The geographical distribution of the bipolar Nymphaeaceae, Nymphaea tetragona, and Brasenia schreberi.  Memoires du Jardin Botanique de Montreal.  41:1-10.
Bock CE, Bock JH.  1974.  On the geographical ecology and evolution of the three-toed woodpeckers, Picoides tridactylus and P. arcticus.  American Midland Naturalist.  92(2):397-405.
Blake S.F, Atwood A.C.  1942.  Geographical guide to Floras of the world, part I. No. 401.  
Knick ST.  0.  A geographical information systems (GIS) database for sage grouse and shrubsteppe management in the Intermountain West.  
Monson C.S.  1996.  Geographical review of the historical and current status of ospreys (Pandion haliaetus) in Utah.  Great Basin Naturalist.  56:150-156.
[Anonymous].  1894.  Geographical, versus sexual, variation in Oreortyx pictus.  Auk.  11(3):192-197.
Harrison J.E, Griggs A.B, Wells J.D.  1986.  Geologic and structure maps of the Wallace 1 x 2 quadrangle, Montana and Idaho.  
Bush J.H, Seward W.P.  1992.  Geologic field guide to the Columbia River Basalt, northern Idaho and southeastern Washington.  
Greeley R., King J.S.  1975.  Geologic field guide to the Quaternary volcanics of the south-central Snake River Plain, Idaho.
Savage C..  1965.  Geologic history of Pend Oreille Lake region in north Idaho.  
Bond J.G, Wood C.H.  1978.  Geologic Map of Idaho.  
Ekren E.V, McIntyre D.H, Bennett E.H, Malde H.E.  1981.  Geologic map of Owyhee County, Idaho, west of Longitude 116 W.  
[Anonymous].  1979.  Geologic map of the Ashton Quadrangle, Idaho.  
[Anonymous].  1979.  Geologic map of the Baker Quadrangle, Idaho.  
[Anonymous].  1979.  Geologic map of the Boise Quadrangle, Idaho.  
Othberg K.L, Stanford L.R.  1992.  Geologic map of the Boise valley and adjoining area, western Snake River plain, Idaho.  
Fisher R.S, McIntyre D.H, Johnson K.M.  1983.  Geologic map of the Challis 1 x 2 quadrangle, Idaho.