Bibliography and Citations

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Fischer W.C, Bradley A.F.  1992.  Fire ecology of western Montana forest habitat types.  
Brown J.K.  1985.  Fire effects and application of prescribed fire in aspen.
DeLay C..  2004.  Fire effects and response of cascade reedgrass (Calamagrostis tweedyi) on the Payette National Forest, DRAFT.  
Everett R., Clary W..  1985.  Fire effects and revegetation on juniper-pinyon woodlands.
Bradley A..  1986.  The Fire Effects Information System [Database].  
Fischer W.C.  1990.  Fire effects information system plant species, cover type, and wildlife species list.  
Fischer W.C, Miller M., Johnston C.M, Smith J.K, Simmerman D.G, Brown J.K.  1996.  Fire effects information system: user's guide.  
Boyd R.S, Woodward R., Walter G..  1993.  Fire effects on a montane Sierra Nevada meadow.  California Fish and Game.  79(3):115-125.
Neary DG, Klopatek CC, DeBano LF, Ffolliott PF.  1999.  Fire effects on belowground sustainability: a review and synthesis.  Forest Ecology and Management.  122(1-2):51-71.  Available from
Koehler GM, Hornocker MG.  1977.  Fire effects on marten habitat in the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  41(3):500-505.
Agee J.K.  1981.  Fire effects on Pacific Northwest forests: flora, fuels, and fauna.
Miller RF, Chambers JC, Pyke DA, Pierson FB, C. Williams J.  2013.  Fire Effects on Vegetation and Soils in the Great Basin Region - Response and Site Characteristics.  
Havlina DWilliam.  1995.  Fire effects on vegetation diversity, structure, and successional dynamics in shrub-steppe and mixed conifer environments of the Hells Canyon, Idaho.  Rangeland Resources.  :142.  Available from
Barrett S.W, Arno S.F, Menakis J.P.  1940.  Fire episodes in the Inland Northwest (1540-1940) based on fire history data.  
Kipfmueller KF.  2001.  Fire, fuels, and climate in coniferous forests of Idaho and Montana.  Sage Notes.  23(1):2-5.
Arno S.F, Gruell. G.E.  1983.  Fire history at the forest-grassland ecotone in southwestern Montana.  Journal of Range Management.  36(3):332-336.
Kipfmueller KF, Baker WL.  2000.  A fire history of a subalpine forest in south-eastern Wyoming, USA.  Journal of Biogeography.  27(1):71-85.  Available from
Arno S.F, Davis D.H.  1980.  Fire history of western redcedar/hemlock forests in northern Idaho.  
Bunting S.C.  1985.  Fire in sagebrush-grass ecosystems: successional changes.
Paysen TE, R. Ansley J, Brown JK, Gottfried GJ, Haase SM, Harrington MG, Narog MG, Sackett SS, Wilson RC.  2000.  Fire in western shrubland, woodland, and grassland ecosystems. Wildland fire in ecosystems: effects of fire on flora.  Brown JK, Smith JKapler, editors. Ogden (UT): U. S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.   p. 121-159.  Available from
Gom L.A, Rood S.B.  1999.  Fire induces clonal sprouting of riparian cottonwoods.  Canadian Journal of Botany.  77:1604-1616.
Austin M.L.  1999.  Fire perimeter maps for the 1999 Goose Creek Fire: Blue Hill and Oakley 1:24,000 quadrangles.  
Barrett S.W.  1993.  Fire regimes on the Clearwater and Nez Perce National Forests, north-central Idaho.  
Flint H.R.  1925.  Fire resistance of northern Rocky Mountain conifers.  
Barrett S.W.  1988.  Fire suppression's effects on forest succession within a central Idaho wilderness.  Western Journal of Applied Forestry.  3(3):76-80.