Bibliography and Citations

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Goble DD, George SM, Mazaika K, J. Scott M, Karl J.  1999.  Local and national protection of endangered species: an assessment.  Environmental Science & Policy.  2:43-59.
Goble D.  Submitted.  No description.  Goble, Dale.  
Godefroid S, Piazza C, Rossi G, Buord S, Stevens A-D, Aguraiuja R, Cowell C, Weekley CW, Vogg G, Iriondo JM et al..  2011.  How successful are plant species reintroductions? Biological Conservation.  144:672-682.
Godfrey B..  1999.  Delineation of agroclimate zones in Idaho.  :104pp..
Goeden RD, Teerink JA.  1996.  Life history and descriptions of adults and immature stages of Aciurina semilucida (Bates) (Diptera: Tephritidae) on Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus (Hooker) Nuttall in southern California.  Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington.  98(4):752-766.
Goeden RD, Teerink JA.  1996.  Life histories and descriptions of adults and immature stages of two cryptic species, Aciurina ferruginea (Doane) and A. michaeli, new species (Diptera: Tephritidae), on Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus (Hooker) Nuttall in southern California.  Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington.  98(3):415-438.
Goff F.G, Dawson G.A, Rochow. J.J.  1982.  Site examination for threatened and endangered plant species.  Environmental Management.  6(4):307-316.
Goffinet B..  1994.  Floristic notes on the lichenicolous fungi flora of Alberta, Canada.  Mycotaxon.  LI:1-4.
Goffinet B, Rosentreter R, Serusiaux E.  2001.  A second locality for Xanthoparmelia idahoensis Hale, an endangered vagrant lichen, new to Canada.  Evansia.  18(2):58-59.
Goggans R..  1985.  Habitat use by flammulated owls in northeastern Oregon.  :54pp..
Goggans R, Dixon RD, Seminara L.Claire.  1987.  Habitat use by three-toed and black-backed woodpeckers, Deschutes National Forest, Oregon.  
Gold J.R, Li Y.C.  1994.  Cytosystematic evidence that the genus RICHARDSONIUS belongs in the western clade of phoxinin cyprinids.  Copeia.  1994:815-818.
Goldberg C.S, Waits L.P.  2009.  Using habitat models to determine conservation priorities for pond-breeding amphibians in a privately-owned landscape of northern Idaho, USA.  
Goldberg A, Smith J, Conway C.  2015.  Effectiveness of forest restoration and plague treatments on demography of a federally listed ground squirrel.  
Golden Eagle Audubon Society.  1993.  Breeding bird survey of clearcut, prescribed burn, and seral/old growth stands of western juniper.  
Golden Eagle Audubon Society.  1997.  Breeding bird survey of old growth/seral, prescribed burn, and clearcut stands of western juniper.  
Goldingay RL, Kelly PA, Williams DF.  1997.  The kangaroo rats of California: endemism and conservation of keystone species.  Pacific Conservation Biology.  3:47-60.  Available from
Goldstein B.E.  1992.  Can ecosystem management turn an administrative patchwork into a Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem? Northwest Environmental Journal.  8:285-324.
Goldstein D.L.  1984.  The thermal environment and its constraint on activity of desert quail in summer.  Auk.  101:542-550.
Gollop J.B, Marshall W.H.  1954.  A guide for aging duck broods in the field.  
Gom L.A, Rood S.B.  1999.  Fire induces clonal sprouting of riparian cottonwoods.  Canadian Journal of Botany.  77:1604-1616.
Gomez D..  1999.  Trumpeter swan survey of the Rocky Mountain Population/U.S. Flocks, Fall 1999.  
Gomez D..  1998.  Trumpeter swan survey of the Rocky Mountain Population/U.S. Flocks, Fall 1998.  
Gomez D..  1995.  1995 mid-winter survey: Rocky Mountain population of trumpeter swans.  
Gomez D..  1997.  Trumpeter swan survey of the Rocky Mountain Population/U.S. Flocks, Fall 1997.