Bibliography and Citations

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Frost R.A, Launchbaugh K.L.  2003.  Prescription grazing for rangeland weed management, a new look at an old tool.  Rangelands.  25(6):43-47.
Frounfelker C.R.  1977.  Prey selection of the great horned owl with reference to habitat and prey availability.  
Fryer JL.  2002.  Pinus albicaulis. In: Fire Effects Information System.    Available from
Fuentes T., Stromberg J.C.  2002.  Habitat characteristics of sites occupied by Iliamna longisepala (Malvaceae), a rare plant endemic to Washington State.
Fugate L.  Submitted.  No description.  Fugate, Larry.  
Fugle G.N, Rothstein S.I.  1977.  Clutch size determination, egg size and egg-shell thickness in the pied-billed grebe.  Auk.  94:371-373.
Fuhrmann K.  2005.  Lava Beds National Monument: a stronghold for Townsend's big-eared bats.  Park Science.  23(2):48-52.  Available from
Fuhrmann K.  2005.  Population dynamics of Mexican free-tailed bats at Lava Beds.  Park Science.  23(2):52-53.  Available from
Fulbright TE, Redente EF, Hargis NE.  1982.  Growing Colorado plants from seed: a state of the art. Volume II: grasses and grasslike plants.  
Fulbright T.E, Wilson A.M, Redente E.F.  1984.  Effects of temporary dehydration on growth of green needlegrass (Stipa viridula Trin.) seedlings.  Journal of Range Management.  37(5):462-464.
Fulbright T.E, Redente E.F, Wilson A.M.  1985.  Germination requirements of green needlegrass (Stipa viridula Trin.).  Journal of Range Management.  36(3):390-394.
Fulbright T.E, Wilson A.M, Redente E.F.  1985.  Green needlegrass seedling morphology in relation to planting depth.  Journal of Range Management.  38(3):266-270.
Fulkerson JR, C. Kinter L.  2023.  Reproductive ecology and bee associates of Packard’s milkvetch (Astragalus packardiae), a rare plant endemic to southwestern Idaho.  Western North American Naturalist.  83(2):243–253.  Available from
Fulkerson JR, C. Kinter L.  2013.  Reproductive Ecology and Bee Associates of Packard’s Milkvetch (Astragalus cusickii var. packardiae), A Rare Plant Endemic to Southwestern Idaho.  
Fuller P, Benson AJ.  2016.  Nonindigenous Aquatic Species (NAS) Database.    Available from
Fuller AM.  1933.  Studies on the flora of Wisconsin. Part I. The orchids; Orchidaceae.  
Fulmer K.  Submitted.  No description.  Fulmer, Kathleen.  
Fung MYP.  1984.  Vegetative propagation of native shrubs in the Fort McMurray area, Alberta, Canada.  Plant Propagator.  30(4):7-9.
Fung MYP.  1984.  Silverberry seed pretreatment and germination techniques.  Tree Planters' Notes.  35(3):32-33.
Funk CW, Dunlap WW.  1999.  Colonization of high-elevation lakes by long-toed salamanders (Ambystoma macrodactylum) after the extinction of introduced trout populations.  Canadian Journal of Zoology.  77(11):1759-1767.  Available from
Funk S.  2012.  Shapefile data provided by Idaho Power Company from URS contractor plant surveys in 2011.  
Funk S.  2016.  Idaho rare plant observation report forms and GIS shapefile data from Idaho Power Company for 2016 field season.  
Funk S.  2015.  Idaho rare plant observation report forms and GIS shapefile data from Idaho Power Company for 2015 field season.  
Funk S.  2019.  Idaho rare plant observation report forms and GIS shapefile data from Idaho Power Company for 2018 field season.  
Funk A., Parker A.K.  1972.  A canker of western flowering dogwood caused by Sclerophoma ambigua n. sp.  Canadian Journal of Botany.  50:1623-1625.